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Joined: Aug 16, 2003
Posts: 107
Location: USA
Wed May 05, 2004 6:17 pm |
May 5, 2004 - 1:30PM EDT
Nuke Cops is For Sale. This includes the Nuke Cops portal as found at and the alias
Silent auction begins immediately. All offers must be received by May 15th 2004, Noon EDT. Please direct all serious offers to Transaction to occur very soon after bidder is announced.
I Paul that hard up for money. What the hell is his problem lets count the ways.
1) Computer cops hit big time so he cries about his server getting to much load so he writes a script to shut nukecops down.
2) Paul lack of support to Nukecops
3) Now he wants to sell nuke cops
4) stealing scripts
add to the list
he is getting attacked "dos, sql inject, ect" because he keep shutting down nuke cops |

Joined: Jan 29, 2004
Posts: 624
Wed May 05, 2004 6:56 pm |
Spouse Contemplates Divorce

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
Posts: 2496
Wed May 05, 2004 7:07 pm |
I'd just as soon you get it for the $1.00 but its not up to me
Shoulda used Ebay instead of this silent auction though woulda been a lot more fun. |

Wed May 05, 2004 7:56 pm |
Well, I'd run the site better than ZX has! I freely admit I know next to nothing about PHP, same as him, but at least I wouldn't be ripping off other's code and "trademarking" it as my own. Yes, eBay would be more fun, or your Auction block.
Do I hear $1.25? No? Going for $1.00... |

Wed May 05, 2004 8:42 pm |
I dunno both sites are down so I guess Ebays not out of the question for either. Last known nuke support site fetched something like $99 USD. |

Joined: Jan 18, 2004
Posts: 244
Location: Bristolville, OH
Wed May 05, 2004 8:59 pm |
Lol I knew it was coming soon, I just couldn’t wait..
Raven can I rely on your site for support now? Since nukecops is (the thing going into the fan)
*Let me vent*
I would use except, ill be quite honest, its crap.
There are no moderators and FB doesn’t post anywhere. He changes the poll every once and a while. And posts news when he feels like it. Which is never, only Paul's news got posted. Which I don’t think he will be posting much anymore bc he doesn’t have much to do with nuke at all anymore.
*Venting yet again*
Paul can just sit at his dumb ass computer cops and take all the money from advertising and the dumb premium memberships. Its pretty bad bc he didn’t even get to have a honeymoon, I guess he just got married and his honeymoon was today.. He was complaining bc he had to sit there with his wife and baby sit the server.
This is really making me mad. I just don’t know what im going to do if the site ends up in the wrong hands.
For example they might just want the domain name and throw the site out. Then use it for example for OSM (formally NSN Nuke).
That’s really all he cares about is his stupid computer cops. Which I really can’t figure out even what he’s doing there anyways, I won a premium membership and i don’t know where to start. I can’t help anyone bc I don’t know what’s going on!
Paul and FB (I dno how to even say his name, so im not going to try) need to get it together.
I guess ill have to say im sry if I hurt anyone’s feelings. But it’s my opinion and im sure you will agree. If not let me know, although I might not care.
*One last vent*
FB, I thought he was working with chatserv. Well if he is then why does chatserv still have to post patches? It makes no freaking sense at all. Nuke should be patched, not have to go to a 3rd party to get the patches. I mean come on.. Don’t you guys at least agree on that? This is why nuke is so open to attacks!
P.S. This has to be the longest ever post that I have ever done. Yes I spell checked it too, it’s a whole page!  |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Thu May 06, 2004 6:42 am |
stephen2417 wrote: | Raven can I rely on your site for support now? |
My site has been supporting Nuke since July of 2002. I believe that was well before NC, just as a matter of historical perspective. As I tell all who ask me this question, I have no intentions of closing up shop and welcome one and all. I would love to be making money on my site but I get frustrated with all the banners (like at FB's site). I would offer a Premium Member's type club if I could reasonably justify it. I mean, what kind of benefits make it worth while? FB's approach does nothing except incite anger. NC's never really gave you much either, from what I have been told. I do receive donations now and then and am thankful for every one I receive. But I can tell you honestly that the amount of donations I received last year didn't even cover 1 month of my expenses. But, that's ok (to a point) because when I started this up it was for me to share what I could. I welcome candor and open discussion. I've been around long enough and have experienced enough over the 54 years I've been on this earth to realize that not everyone will agree on everything And, with techies, well, we need to be able to vent now and then. I try (but don't always succeed) to direct my opinions and venting at issues and not people. Sometimes, though, the line between the two gets blurred. As to Chat's relationship with FB, it's my understanding that he submits the fixes and usually gets ignored, which is FB's style, unfortunately. We were pleasantly surprised to see Chat get honorable mention in the 7.2 credits  |

Thu May 06, 2004 10:55 am |
here is what i sent ZX
How much you selling Nukecops for?
Why not just give it to someone who can run it, someone who has a
dedicated server like me, i have a spare 500-600 gig a month on my server.
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
Posts: 714
Location: Vancouver Island
Thu May 06, 2004 11:34 am |
Raven... wise one.
"what value" for a premium membership, answer that one and you get a gold star.
What is the percentage of Nukers who pay for support? I can't imagine it very a very large percentage.
I nuke for fun, not profit. But with more hobby money I can do more stuff, so premium memberships appears to this sysadmin a cool tool to more fun. Or will my community scatter to the four winds at the hint of elitism?
Ya... value. what is that X factor that makes sense when it comes to premium (dislike that word) memberships? gold star awaits. |
_________________ "We want to see if life is ubiquitous." D.Goldin |

Thu May 06, 2004 2:53 pm |
I think if there is a value given to the premium membership great enough it will of course succeed. There are several online magazines where premium members are given access to articles not available elsewhere. Thats just one example of a successful membership site. Many of the software that used to be available free has gone to subscription. ToniArts is a nice example of a small developer who started with a few free applications that got popular to the point where in order to continue some income had to be derived. Now its a 12 month subscription to access all software downloads. Just like well planned advertising will pay off so will good products and services.
I also think that if there is nothing unique and of value to the users they just keep surfin.
NC premium membership was not a huge hit because it offered very little or nothing. It was as you say simply a status. |
New Member

Joined: May 07, 2004
Posts: 17
Location: USA, Michigan
Fri May 07, 2004 10:41 am |
Hello everyone,
I was a member at, some of you might have noticed me by the name (mitch100degrees) on there forums. I am currently sadden by the road Paul has decided to take. But i understand that the cost is probably out of hand to keep a site that popular going. I have great respect for that site, as it contained a ton of information that was very useful. However i am to concerned that the higher bidder might turn out to be the wrong person. I submitted my bid to Paul last night. If i won the site i was gonna keep everything the same and let the members/ support ppl take care of it, and some by me. I bidded out of concern about the site, and because i like PHP-Nuke, (but not all the bugs), I just got a email back from Paul telling me there was a higher bid. I don't think i'm gonna win it, and if he personally doesn't care about it (or doesn't have the money for it), he should let me have it, i have a ton of extra bandwidth to keep it going on my server. I have to admit, there would be some big problems with keeping it going, and sometimes it might have to be shut down like paul had it, but i'd do the very best i could do to keep it going, and it would be up more then it was up here the last months. But i just thought i'd vent, and i'm sure NukeCops is important to many other ppl to, and i hope i win, but if not, whoever is the highest bidder and wins, i wish them the best, and i hope they have the same ideas as me to keep everything the same, If not we just lost a huge popular nuke community
Mitch |

Fri May 07, 2004 11:11 am |
I'm not so sure ZX has been getting higher bids, possibly he merely wants to run the bids up. Put in another bid, Mitch, about 10% higher. In a silent auction like that bidders only have the word of the seller there are higher bids. Good luck!  |

Fri May 07, 2004 11:19 am |
southern wrote: | I'm not so sure ZX has been getting higher bids, possibly he merely wants to run the bids up. Put in another bid, Mitch, about 10% higher. In a silent auction like that bidders only have the word of the seller there are higher bids. Good luck! |
Hey southern,
I sent another email to him, asking what the current high bid was, so i did'nt have to keep sending him a email increasing my bid a little at a time, I'll take your suggestion and sent another email and increase it about $15.00 more and see what he says to me, Your thinking the same as me about him running up the bid and the only time you'll get a "Your the current high bidder" Email is when you have reached the amount he has in his head. I personally think he should give it someone who sounds like they mean well, like ask questions, i mean i know that probably would'nt do any good, as ppl can lie, but sometimes you can tell when ppl are lying, I just don't want the site going to some person that is gonna take the name and run.
Mitch |

Fri May 07, 2004 11:33 am |
Well, the domain name nukecops expires this year, and someone wouldv'e grabbed it then for a lot less than ZX appears to want:
Quote: |
Server Used: [ ] = [ ]
Computer Cops LLC
Paul Laudanski
PO Box 325
Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Phone: 609-510-3894
Registrar Name....:
Registrar Whois...:
Registrar Homepage:
Created on..............: Wed Nov 13 2002
Expires on..............: Sat Nov 13 2004
Record last updated on..: Tue Apr 20 2004
Administrative Contact:
Computer Cops LLC
Paul Laudanski
PO Box 325
Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Phone: 609-510-3894
Technical Contact:
Computer Cops LLC
Paul Laudanski
PO Box 325
Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Phone: 609-510-3894
Zone Contact:
Computer Cops LLC
Paul Laudanski
PO Box 325
Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Phone: 609-510-3894
Domain servers in listed order:
He has about six months to get the price he wants. Why not just go to a domain registrar like and get a 'want it' put on. Of course I have no idea whether the content of nukecops, support forums, etc. still exists so all anyone may get is the domain name.
editted: Just looked and nukecops is back up so better hurry peeps and get what you want... |
Theme Guru

Joined: Nov 01, 2003
Posts: 1006
Fri May 07, 2004 11:55 am |
I dont believe it is at all about the domain name. The thing that people do not seem to want to lose access to are the forums and other content. The site itself is a storehouse of very useful information. The database is what most people would be paying for if they bid. It is a valid point though that in a silent auction you never really know if there is a "higher bid" . That is something you have to take on faith. I doubt that anyone will know what the winning bidder actually pays for the site and contents.
I however, would be wary or purchasing and attempting to run a site that has been the victim of such strong DDOS attacks. They may just carry over to the new owners unless it was personal. I would like to see nuke cops stay alive. I think that it is a great place for the nuke community to support one another. However, as pointed out many times already, if nuke cops does fold, or is sold to someone who doesn't care to utilize the site as it is, there will ALWAYS be other sites such as this one to help people. |

Fri May 07, 2004 12:13 pm |
southern wrote: | Well, the domain name nukecops expires this year, and someone wouldv'e grabbed it then for a lot less than ZX appears to want:
Quote: |
Server Used: [ ] = [ ]
Computer Cops LLC
Paul Laudanski
PO Box 325
Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Phone: 609-510-3894
Registrar Name....:
Registrar Whois...:
Registrar Homepage:
Created on..............: Wed Nov 13 2002
Expires on..............: Sat Nov 13 2004
Record last updated on..: Tue Apr 20 2004
Administrative Contact:
Computer Cops LLC
Paul Laudanski
PO Box 325
Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Phone: 609-510-3894
Technical Contact:
Computer Cops LLC
Paul Laudanski
PO Box 325
Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Phone: 609-510-3894
Zone Contact:
Computer Cops LLC
Paul Laudanski
PO Box 325
Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Phone: 609-510-3894
Domain servers in listed order:
He has about six months to get the price he wants. Why not just go to a domain registrar like and get a 'want it' put on. Of course I have no idea whether the content of nukecops, support forums, etc. still exists so all anyone may get is the domain name.
editted: Just looked and nukecops is back up so better hurry peeps and get what you want... |
I'm heading there now to nab all i want now, because i'll be sorry if i don't, I also agree with you about the domain name, I don't think he is gonna get the price he wants, and should just give it to someone who cares, or sell it for alittle money since he did put some work into it.
A site like Nuke Cops can be created very easy, If i don't win, I might even make my own support Nuke site just like NukeCops, sure it is alot of work, but it would be better to have a slighty known site to some ppl and let it get popular, then no site at all. I know there is other sites, such as this one, and it provides alot of information to, But NukeCops was huge.
Insted of posting twice i'm gonna comment on jaded's post:
It is about the domain name to, Not fully but somewhat, This site is a very well known website, So ppl who bid, such as myself are gonna pay enough for that alone. I do agree that the most would probably be for the database though. I don't believe Paul will annouce how much the site went for, or if it goes at all. If he doesn't get what he wants, and doesn't wanna accept what he is offered (my offer or others) then he might just delete the site, and forget all about it. It seems to be a major problem to him. I'm not sure about the DDOS attacks, they might be personal, Popular sites do and don't get punched by them, I've delt with them before, it was just a small attack, they could'nt get in through my server so they did the whole network, I'm still not sure if it was my server that was targeted or not. But that wasn't to much trouble. I do agree that the person who wins it should be careful, like i said i wish the person who wins the best, but i bet whoever wins, NukeCops will never be the same again.
I just checked, and NukeCops doesn't work anymore  |

Fri May 07, 2004 2:32 pm |
Ah but, jaded, I do know it's the content of nukecops that nuke peeps value, but I am not at all sure that any buyer will get the content along with the domain name. Is ZX going to compress the content into a neat .gz bundle and present it to the high bidder? Maybe put it on a few CDs? No, I think the domain name is what the buyer gets, period, and content would have to be put on from scratch. So I'd suggest people go there and save the forums in Wordpad on the assumption they'll go poof when they buy is final. Remember, forum posts are the property of the posters, not the site so how can nukecops sell the content of the forums? |

Fri May 07, 2004 2:37 pm |
Up and down, Mitch, up and down... he's on a honeymoon... |

Fri May 07, 2004 2:38 pm |
southern wrote: | Ah but, jaded, I do know it's the content of nukecops that nuke peeps value, but I am not at all sure that any buyer will get the content along with the domain name. Is ZX going to compress the content into a neat .gz bundle and present it to the high bidder? Maybe put it on a few CDs? No, I think the domain name is what the buyer gets, period, and content would have to be put on from scratch. So I'd suggest people go there and save the forums in Wordpad on the assumption they'll go poof when they buy is final. Remember, forum posts are the property of the posters, not the site so how can nukecops sell the content of the forums? |
Yes southern, I just thought of that, They really can't sell other ppls stuff, so i'm really guessing that all you get is the domain and that's it. If that is the case, No one is gonna pay over what i bidded for a Domain
Mitch |

Fri May 07, 2004 2:40 pm |
southern wrote: | Up and down, Mitch, up and down... he's on a honeymoon... |
Yes, i went to the site and read that he was. Well it works now, seemed to have a DNS problem with me and that site, maybe they changed the IP
Mitch |

Fri May 07, 2004 3:03 pm |
Dunno, could be.
Quote: |
Initiating server query ...
Looking up IP address for domain:
The IP address for the domain is:
Connecting to the server on standard HTTP port: 80
[Connected] Requesting the server's default page.
The server's response did not contain the expected 'Server:' header to identify itself. Therefore, server's identity can not be determined.
Query complete.
Hypothetically, if someone wanted to buy a high traffic site, say, and it was for sale would the buyer get the content as well as the name? |

Fri May 07, 2004 3:10 pm |
southern wrote: | Dunno, could be.
Quote: |
Initiating server query ...
Looking up IP address for domain:
The IP address for the domain is:
Connecting to the server on standard HTTP port: 80
[Connected] Requesting the server's default page.
The server's response did not contain the expected 'Server:' header to identify itself. Therefore, server's identity can not be determined.
Query complete.
Hypothetically, if someone wanted to buy a high traffic site, say, and it was for sale would the buyer get the content as well as the name? |
I would think so, it does sound right. All i have to say is Paul wants to to much for that site. If you look at it like this, you have to pay in the hundreds for the domain, (and maybe the content) and once you get it, you have to put it all on your server, which can cause problems coming from another server, and there's so much if you get the content to, it would take days, then you have a very popluar site, that takes alot and probably would kill a server that isn't made for it. Is it really worth it? I don't think so, you'll end up over $1,000 once it's all over with in cost. I knew about all this when i bidded, but now the bidding is getting over the top.
Mitch |

Fri May 07, 2004 3:21 pm |
I see this coming, Nukecops never comes back, or does and it's totally messed up and different, Why would someone in there right mind pay alot of money for just a domain name? Sure it is popular, and the site is dead again , i'm guessing his "Nuke Cops has been shut down so CC can keep running" script isn't working right I bet, he doesn't get anything for that site, and it ends up getting deleted, Insted of him accepting something to get it away from him and off his mind and hands. But this probably sounds like i'm mad, i'm not i'm just saying what i see coming.
Mitch |

Fri May 07, 2004 3:32 pm |
All the downtime is making Nukecops worth less and less money. |

Fri May 07, 2004 3:48 pm |
I'm sure there is a minimum price based on the membership and average hits ect.. but I doubt he can expect to get more then $2500.00 in fact I'd be really suprised if it goes that high but stranger things have happened. After all he has put a pretty good spin on it to date.
Best case someone who is concerned for the community like mitch gets it. Keeps it going or at least keep one public forum open. Charge a annual membership fee to access anything and everything else. Use that plus ad revenue to support the server. Maybe put out a few custom modules for members only heck even if was hired out via codelance or scriptlance what ever it is now. Something along that line anyway.
Honestly there is no reason that site can't pay its way. Also without the overhead of supporting another site like computercops it wouldn't take so much server to maintain. I'd think any dual processor machine with a gb of ram and a scsi hard drive would work out fine but WTF do I know.
Given the security issues involved in maintaining it I'd go for a firewall box in front for dayum sure.
Truth is since none of the bids are public the whole issues become something of a yawner. |