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PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:53 pm Reply with quote

Hey, kinda stuck in a jam. I have uploaded all the files to there appropriate directories in my root dir on my website. I am trying to use the installer to add the database tables to my nuke database, However, in the Operations status window its saying:

Operation Status!
- Create nuke_nsnst_admins failed
- Import into nuke_nsnst_admins failed
- Create nuke_nsnst_blocked_ips failed
and so on.

What am I doing wrong here. Do i have to create a seperate database for nukesentinel? Also, I find adding these tables to the database really odd because I have not anwhere defined my database name, database username or password in the install program? Do i have to?

If all else fails, is there a way to add the database tables via phpmyadmin?

Additionally, when i try to go to the nukesentinel admin from the phpnuke administrators section a screen loads up saying "access denied"

the nukesentinel i am installing is version is 2.5.03
and I am using php-nuke 7.8
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:47 am Reply with quote

o boy...
was sentinel already installed ?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:14 am Reply with quote

No, it was not previously installed (I am not upgrading) I have went into mphpmyadmin and no new tables have been added.

I have even noticed right now that i cannot access say the 'news' and 'content' section in my administrators panel because it is saying access denied. I assume this is sentinel stopping it.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:32 am Reply with quote

well im clueless,i have no idea what you done...
you say you just uploaded it to thr right folders but then you should be able to install sentinel within a second.

you stopped and asked for support but still you went ahead trying to get it working...no problem with that but we have now way of knowing what you done and if all is done properly..

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:00 am Reply with quote

well I have essentially, just followed the instructions.

I have uploaded the files in the html dir, and in the sql dir, and i have made all required changes in the php files that are explained on the site.

I then went to the installer and clicked first time installation of nukesentinel, and the outputs the failed message detailed above.

I am not really quite sure to do with the sample.* files. Should i have uploaded it in my root directory before i tried to install the tables.

I am confused on how the sentinel can install tables in my database without requiring user/password for phpmyadmin.

If all else fails, am i able to remove nuke sentinel and do a fresh install?

Last edited by spectrex on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:04 am; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:03 am Reply with quote

Were you logged in as admin when you tried to install Sentinel?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:04 am Reply with quote

sentinel includes your site configuration,thats why you dont have to add your login into any file...
but looking at the things your saying you are realy new to this...
a suggestion...
pm me all info i need to login and i figure out what you did and see if i can get it working....
i can look at it after dinner...

(edit ...jakec,im sure he was logged in as admin otherwise he could never run the install file,whitch he did but faild.)

Last edited by hitwalker on Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:05 am Reply with quote

Yes, i was..

Does it affect sentinel's installation when I have changed the admin.php file name to another filename?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:07 am Reply with quote

Good point Hitwalker! Wink

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:09 am Reply with quote

I wouldn't have thought so, but it does cause problems with some mods. I would take Hitwalker up on his offer, he'll have it fixed in no time. Wink

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:14 am Reply with quote

Well , i guess I am a nebie then, I have added tables to mysql before in the past and have had no problems.

The whole reason why I am adding nuke sentinel is because my site got hacked by a turkish..yes another site hacked. I had to disable my module block my site to prevent the site being redirected to a hack site. Is this whats causing the problem.

What data do you want me to send?.. I would like to have you to help me but I am rather sensitive (especially since the hack) on sending account information that could render my site null.

is there any way of finding out what file nukesentinel reads to gain access to the mysql.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:17 am Reply with quote

Is there any way to just remove the whole installation.

What do i do with the "sample.*" files. should these but uploaded before the installation of the tables?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:59 pm Reply with quote

spectrex wrote:
Well , i guess I am a nebie then, I have added tables to mysql before in the past and have had no problems.

The whole reason why I am adding nuke sentinel is because my site got hacked by a turkish..yes another site hacked. I had to disable my module block my site to prevent the site being redirected to a hack site. Is this whats causing the problem.

What data do you want me to send?.. I would like to have you to help me but I am rather sensitive (especially since the hack) on sending account information that could render my site null.

is there any way of finding out what file nukesentinel reads to gain access to the mysql.

As far as giving sensitive info I can assure you that Raven and anyone he has named a site admin or moderator here can be trusted with your site access info. This is a nuke help site and they can't help you w/o a modicum of trust on your part. As for your second question you can drop the NS tables in your phpmyadmin though I wouldn't advise it.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:16 pm Reply with quote

so what does that mean southern ?
That i cant be trusted cause im not admin or moderator?
your judge of character is realy amazing... killing me
I notified spectex im not gonna help him ...
maybe you can be trusted.....
then i suggest you help him..
have a nice day.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:31 pm Reply with quote

Maybe southern thinks you're an admin/moderator because of the amount of posts you've made. Wink

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:38 pm Reply with quote

Don't get huffy w/o a reason, hitwalker. I only read the last few posts of this thread per my usual careless way. I didn't even notice your earlier posts until now. Definitely YOU can be trusted with his or my or anyone's site access info. I apologize for listing only the usual staff terms. Yeah I could be trusted since I'm not a turkish hacker but I didn't include myself so don't insult me with the 'maybe' lol.

spectrex, as well as site admins and moderators you can definitely trust anyone here who sells children to buy a new PC.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:20 pm Reply with quote

jakec wrote:
Maybe southern thinks you're an admin/moderator because of the amount of posts you've made. Wink

No, it isn't the number of posts, any doofus can have a lot of posts. It's the name 'hitwalker' next to the posts. Let's get it straight, hitwalker ranks with Raven, chatserv, BobMarion and others in my respect and if I'd read all the d*** thread before I posted I'd have included him certainly. I'm not saying anymore on this.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:30 pm Reply with quote

Hey no problem, just trying to make sure everyone gets along. Very Happy


PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:59 pm Reply with quote

Everyone gets along w/o me around so have a nice day you all.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:31 pm Reply with quote

ok so, well so back to the problem at hand.

Please give some theories on why it is not able to add the tables to the database.
Is there any way of starting from scratch again with nukesentinel.

This is detailed of what I have done and any modifications to my site since post turkish hack:

1. I got hacked. All users accessing my site will be redirected to the turkish hack group site with really cheezy music.

2. I was trying to figure out where this code was added that was redirecting my site users to this turkish site. I thought that maybe the code was placed in one on the php-block so one by one I disabled each block and tested to see if i would be directed to the hackers group site.

3. Low and behold when I disabled the "modules block" the redirection stopped.

4. I read on another forum about renaming the admin.php file to (another name).php in order to mitigate another attack.

5. I wanted to beef up security so i went to here and downloaded nukesentinel.
I uploaded the entire contents of the html directory to my root directory.

6. I uploaded the contents of the sql directory to the sql directory.

7. I wasnt sure about the sample.ftaccess,sample.htaccess,sample.htaccess
so i uploaded them as is in the root directory.

8. I then proceeded to modify the core files.

9. I went to (Siteaddress)/nsnst.php

10. Selected the first time nukesentinel install.

11. and i get all my tables failures. in the operation status window
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:23 am Reply with quote


I'm getting the same problem as the original poster, did anyone get to the bottom of this ??.

I've followed all the instructions and rechecked and can't see what i've done wrong.

The only the thing I can see is the database name on my server syntax is something like userid_nuke, where the syntax in the sql file with nukesentinel are nuke_nsnst. Is this the problem ?

Help Please

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:22 am Reply with quote

sven, I would start a new thread with any specific questions that you have. To answer this one, though, do not confuse the database name from the table names that go in it. "userid_nuke" sounds like the database name to me, which is really needing to be in your config.php script, whereas NukeSentinel is looking to add tables with nuke_nsn*. Also, make sure you have the latest full version of NukeSentinel(tm) which of this writing is 2.5.07.

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