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Joined: May 06, 2004
Posts: 16
Location: Louisiana, USA
Fri May 07, 2004 10:53 am |
This isn't a Raven Script (or even used here) but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas here.
When I click the users link in the navbar, it takes me to this for example:
Problem is, those pages don't exist on my server for any user, nor do I know a way for them to be created other than manually writing a html page for every user.
Since that's a pretty time consuming problem, I'm thinking there is some sort of other module I'm missing.
Any ideas? |
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Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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Fri May 07, 2004 11:02 am |
It would appear that you are using google tap and mod_rewrite to transform your long url's into shorter ones that google can more easily crawl. GT requires modifications to both your header.php file and that you have a .htaccess file. Have you both of these components installed? |

Fri May 07, 2004 1:18 pm |
Not using google tap (at least I don't recall installing it), but maybe that's just the way Navtap is written?
Anyway, working on trying to combine my site with Chatserv this is gonna go on the back burner for a while. |
Spouse Contemplates Divorce

Joined: Jan 02, 2003
Posts: 2496
Fri May 07, 2004 4:04 pm |

Fri May 07, 2004 5:37 pm |
Don't understand what you mean about creating new rewrite changing where the link points to? Anyway, here's the code....figured it might help if you guys could see it.
It's not as big as it looks, nearly half of it is setup instructions.
# $Author: zx $
# $Date: 2003/08/23 02:54:30 $
# $Log: navtap.php,v $
# Revision 1.4 2003/08/23 02:54:30 zx
# Bookmarks now save pagetitle instead of URL for the Name
# Revision 1.3 2003/08/21 13:47:22 zx
# Changed if statement for hidden block due
# Revision 1.2 2003/08/18 23:18:38 zx
# Fixed bugs where URLs were pointing to the root instead of relative, also added ability to change colors from one location, and instructions how to use this addon.
# Revision 1.1 2003/08/18 01:06:57 zx
# The famously wonderful and such a premiere tool bar found at and is now available for download. Initially slated for release once saw one million pages views for a single month, which looks like will happen this month anyway. So without further adieu, here it is the first version. -- Paul Laudanski
/* NavTap: Premiere Navagational Menu Bar */
/* ====================================== */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2003 by Paul Laudanski / Zhen-Xjell */
/* */
/* */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */
1. Upload this file (navtap.php) into your base PHP-Nuke folder's "includes"
2. Add the following line to your mainfile.php. Ensure it isn't placed in
any function or else it won't work.
3. Ensure you have the following files installed in their appropriate
locations from the website:
4. Add the following lines to the appropriate language file, in this case
as an example: language/lang-english.php
// start NavTap definitions by
define("_NEWFORUMPOSTS","New Forum Posts");
define("_YOURTOPICS","Your Topics");
define("_YOURFORUMPOSTS","Your Forum Post");
define("_UNANSWEREDPOSTS","Unanswered Posts");
define("_PREFERENCES","Your Forum Settings");
define("_YOURTOPICS","Your Topics");
define("_ALLFORUMS","All Forums");
define("_WHOISONLINE","Who's Online");
5. To enable navtap for a particular theme, open the the relevant
theme.php file and add the following line:
After the "body" tag line that may look similar to this:
echo "<body leftmargin=\"1\" topmargin=\"1\" marginwidth=\"1\" marginheight=\"1\">";
6. To change the colors modify the variable settings below.
7. For updates check
8. For bug reports visit
9. For support, questions, comments visit
function NavTap() {
global $user, $cookie, $db, $admin, $pagetitle;
$username = $cookie[1];
$NT1bgcolor = "#000000"; // Table Row Background Color
$NT2bgcolor = "#E6D9BA"; // Table Cell Backgroun Color
$NTfontcolor = "#000000"; // Font Color
// This section is sent to users who are not logged in.
if ($username == "") {
$username = "Anonymous";
echo "<BR><BR> <b>You are missing our premiere tool bar navigation system! "
. " <a href=\"account-new_user.html\">Register</a> for free "
. "to use it.</b>";
} // end anonymous only section
// This section is sent to users who are logged in.
if ($username != "Anonymous") {
echo "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">";
echo "<tr valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"$NT1bgcolor\">";
echo "<td bgcolor=$NT2bgcolor>";
$sql = "select r.rank_title from nuke_users u, nuke_bbranks "
. "r where u.username='$username' and u.user_rank=r.rank_id";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$entitle = $row[rank_title];
// display user name and their special ranking
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">$entitle $username »» </font> ";
// view new forum posts link
echo "<a href=\"forums.html?file=search&search_id=newposts\"><font size=\"2\" "
. "color=\"$NTfontcolor\">"._NEWFORUMPOSTS."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">·</font> ";
// view all forums index link
echo "<a href=\"forums.html\"><img src=\"images/icon_mini_folder2.gif\" border=0 "
. "alt=\""._ALLFORUMS."\" align=\"absbottom\"></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// obtain private message data for user logged in
if (is_user($user)) {
if (is_active("Private_Messages")) {
$sql = "select user_new_privmsg from nuke_users where username='$username'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$numrow = $row[user_new_privmsg];
if ($numrow <> "0") {
echo "<a href=\"messages.html\"><img src=\"images/pm.gif\" "
. "border=0 alt=\""._YOUHAVE." $numrow PM\"></a>";
} else {
echo "<a href=\"messages.html\"><img src=\"images/nopm.gif\" "
. "border=0 alt=\"Send a PM\"></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
if (is_active("Members_List")) {
// view member list link
echo "<a href=\"members.html\"><img src=\"images/members.gif\" border=0 "
. "alt=\""._WHOISONLINE."\" align=\"absbottom\"></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// admin.php link access for admin users only
if (is_admin($admin)) {
echo "<a href=\"/admin.php\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">[<B>A</b>]</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// view your own forums topics link
echo "<a href=\"forums.html?file=topics\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#FF0000\">"
. _YOURTOPICS."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// view your own forums posts link
echo "<a href=\"forums.html?file=search&search_id=egosearch\">"
. "<font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">"._YOURFORUMPOSTS."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// edit your account link
echo "<a href=\"forums.html?file=profile&mode=editprofile\">"
. "<font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">".Your_Forum_Settings."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// view unanswered forum posts link
echo "<a href=\"forums.html?file=search&search_id=unanswered\">"
. "<font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">".Unanswered_Forum_Posts."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
if (is_active("Journal")) {
// edit your journal link
echo "<a href=\"journal.html?file=edit\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">"._BLOG
. "</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// Downloads link
echo "<a href=\"downloads.html\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor"
. "\">".Downloads."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
if (is_active("Uploads")) {
// uploads module link
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Uploads\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">"._UPLOADS."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// Change Theme
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=chgtheme\"><font size=\"2\" color=\#000000"."\">".Change_Theme."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
// buddylist link
# echo "<a href=\"forums.html?file=buddylist&who=\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">Buddy me</font></a>";
# echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
if (is_active("WebMail")) {
// webmail link
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=WebMail\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">"._WEBMAIL."</font></a>";
echo " <font size=\"2\" color=\"$NTfontcolor\">·</font> ";
echo "</font></td><td bgcolor=$NT2bgcolor>";
if (is_active("Bookmarks")) {
// add a bookmark link
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Bookmarks&file=edit_mark&"
. "markname=".urlencode($pagetitle)."&popup=0"
. "&markurl=".urlencode("$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]")."\"><img"
. " src=\"images/bookmark.gif\" align=\"right\" border=\"0\" "
. "width=\"16\" height=\"11\" alt=\"Bookmark Page\"></a>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
// obtain user cookie data
$userinfonav = getusrinfo($user);
$user_id_nav = $userinfonav[user_id];
$usernamenav = $userinfonav[username];
// buddies online list
echo "<table width=100%><tr><td valign=top align=left> "
. " <a href=\"forums.html?file=buddylist\""
. ">Buddies</a> Online: ";
$sql = "select s.uname, u.user_id from nuke_users u, nuke_bbbuddies"
. " b, nuke_session s where b.user_id='$cookie[0]' and b.bu"
. "ddy_id=u.user_id and s.uname=u.username";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$uname0 = $row[uname];
$uid0 = $row[user_id];
echo "<a href=\"messages-post-.html$ui"
. "d0\"><img src=\"images/nopm.gif\" border=0 alt=\"Insta"
. "nt Message $uname0\" align=absmiddle></a><a href=\"mod"
. "ules.php?name=Forums&file=search&search_author=$uname0"
. "\"><img src=\"images/posts.gif\" border=0 alt=\"Find a"
. "ll forum posts by $uname0\"></a><a href=\"userinfo-$un"
. "ame0.html\">$uname0</a>, ";
// view staff online list [includes admin, moderators, and special ranks]
$sql = "select s.uname, u.user_id, b.rank_title, u.user_allow_viewonline "
. "from nuke_users u, nuke_session s, nuke_bbranks b where s.unam"
. "e=u.username and b.rank_id=u.user_rank";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
echo "<BR> <a href=\"forums.html?file=staff"
. "\">Staff</a> Online: ";
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$uname1 = $row[uname];
$uid1 = $row[user_id];
$rank1 = $row[rank_title];
$uav = $row[user_allow_viewonline];
// display staff who desire to be viewed online -- all logged in users can view
if ($uav) {
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&mode=po"
. "st&u=$uid1\"><img src=\"images/nopm.gif\" bord"
. "er=0 alt=\"Instant Message $rank1 $uname1\" al"
. "ign=absmiddle></a><a href=\"modules.php?name=F"
. "orums&file=search&search_author=$uname1\"><img"
. " src=\"images/posts.gif\" border=0 alt=\"Find "
. "all forum posts by $uname1\"></a><a href=\"use"
. "rinfo-$uname1.html\">$uname1</a>, ";
// display staff who desire to be hidden -- only admin can view
// currently, this is a known bug and doesn't work
if ($user_id_nav = $uid1 && !$uav) {
echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages&mode=po"
. "st&u=$uid1\"><img src=\"images/nopm.gif\" bord"
. "er=0 alt=\"Instant Message $rank1 $uname1\" al"
. "ign=absmiddle></a><a href=\"modules.php?name=F"
. "orums&file=search&search_author=$uname1\"><img"
. " src=\"images/posts.gif\" border=0 alt=\"Find "
. "all forum posts by $uname1\"></a><a href=\"use"
. "rinfo-$uname1.html\"><strike>$uname1</strike><"
. "/a>, ";
} // end registered user section
} // End NavTap function

Fri May 07, 2004 7:16 pm |
Ok lets backup a bit. This is for when you have GoogleTap installed. If you don't have GT installed this will not work properly. I think there was a none GT version of the navigation menu too.
Is this making sense now? |

Fri May 07, 2004 8:26 pm |
Google tap installed successfully I would I verify that?
BTW, the above link I mentioned still doesn't work.....maybe it's not installed properly? |

Joined: Feb 16, 2004
Posts: 164
Sat May 08, 2004 6:26 am |
God ........Googletap next gen is so much easier to install (and understand) than this. |

Sat May 08, 2004 6:55 am |
Google Tap doesn't appear to be working in your forums or anywhere for that matter? |

Sat May 08, 2004 7:24 am |

Sat May 08, 2004 7:48 am |
I meant BrainSmashR he's the one trying to get navtap goin here.
You helpin him with that?
<~ Brains been smashed I think |

Sat May 08, 2004 8:20 am |
Navtap is working just fine except for one tiny feature.
In the staff and/or buddies list, the link to online users profile doesn't work.
so what do I need to do to get this google tap thing running right? |

Sat May 08, 2004 8:27 am |
You will have to install NukeCops Google Tap to get that link to work in navtap.
NavTap is just the version of the navigation bar for GoogleTap.
If NukeCops isn't going to continue to support either (which we have no clue about just yet) I'd seriously consider using the version Rikk03 is from where there is going to be more support. NC has been really slow to develope further versions of GT that has a lot to do with NextGen being needed and so successful.
Otherwise if all you want is the navbar there are some other versions of that around too. That will work without GT. |

Sat May 08, 2004 8:46 am |
*sigh* I AM using the googletap from audioslaved
GT-NExtGEn Beta Ver 0.4
NOW I can't install any new modules. Is there an easy way to take this piece of garbage off my site? |

Sat May 08, 2004 8:48 am |
Restore the original files )
Sorry for all the confusion |

Sat May 08, 2004 8:57 am |
Well son of a b***h
as you can tell, this might be a problem
Oddly enough, a module I added a few hours ago just showed up......
time for some more tinkering.
Maybe I have to wait for google to index all that stuff or something? Why would that module be delayed in appearing in my modules list in Admin functions?
Edit: That MUST be it. I can manually type the address of the module and it works jsut fine.......just doesn't appear in my modules list ?!?!?! |