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Posts: 5661
Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:15 am |
Ok this is weird.
as im making an index of backends from different nuke sites i noticed that a lot of them dont show the info as they should.
i do find it interesting to know where it goes wrong..
Here are a few examples.
(keep in mind that my rss reader can read the newest available)
The first one is of ravenphpscripts.
The news feed :
When i use it it just shows the the title and thats it , no intro text
it uses rss version 0.91
Next sample is
the news feed :
When i use it it shows the title and part of the story as it should,so that one seems to be ok.
Als active links in the backend look good and it doesnt show any messed up html
it uses rss version 0.91
Next sample is
the news feed :
When i use it it shows the title and thats it , no intro text
it uses rss version 0.91
next sample is
The news feed :
When i use it it shows the title and part of the story as it should,so that one seems to be ok.
BUT..the html used is a bit messed up.
For example this news link:
You see the active link :
but in the rss it shows as :<a href=""></a>
indeed..plain html.
another sample is backenforums.php from this site.
When using the backend it doesnt show anything at all in the reader.
same goes for the backendforums of disipal.
Anyone who can explain all of this..? |
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Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:41 am |
Weird indeed. I'm assuming that your reader supports the older 0.91 RS version format but its worth investigatng wht these errors occur. |

Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:44 am |
yes,...i use rsstatic
but other sites work....i showed that with jaded....
thats why its so weird...
wanted to use the backend forums but thats just blank..  |
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Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:38 pm |
But, I think that is all you get with .91 (backend.php). Here is one such XML link that is produced off my site:
<title>HTML Newsletter 1.4 in Planning Stages</title>
It only has a title and a link tag, no description.
To be honest, though, I do not know what all should/could be in .91, but I am just showing you that the backend.php script is only providing these two, so that is why you are only seeing this from the likes of ravenphpscripts and any RavenNuke 2.02.02 backend.php. |
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Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:17 pm |
I didn't think descriptions were supported in .91, but may be incorrect. After some time off, I hope to have nukeFEED working to provide support for lots of different syndication standards. |
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Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:19 pm |
yeah but with jaded all shows....and she has 91,just like the rest.
i just tried montegoscripts and doesnt show an introtext. |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:39 am |
I can guarantee you that jaded's blocks is not the same block as "all the rest". The block I have came from RavenNuke 2.02.02 which is actually the same block that Raven uses, but I am not 100% sure where he got it from.
I took the liberty of comparing the RavenNuke block with that from code PHP-Nuke 7.6, and they are definitely different. Core 7.6 does include the description. I"ll have to ask him why he removed description (or maybe, description was added later).
One thing that I can think of is the issues with HTML and special characters. I vaguely recall seeing forum thread(s) long, long back regarding this. |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:56 am |
dont know what you mean by "blocks"..but i can say one thing...
i tried a lot by now and phpnuke rss is a disaster.
whats the use realy if the design is a complete mess ?
Every rss reader want to show 2 things...,the title and the story intro...and naturaly below that the read full story link.
So whats the fun in showing another sites feeds without the intro story ?
Haven't you noticed that not many sites show backends anymore ?
and while everybody is so funned of backlinks,high rank,traffic they completely forgot a good working rss. |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:00 am |
Sorry, meant that to say "backend"... I agree with you, I do prefer to see the intro. I never noticed it with 2.02.02 because I don't need to see my own site's RSS. LOL. |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:07 am |
I think you are right. Description was dropped due to icompatible character formats but it's definitely something worth revisiting. |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:55 am |
Quote: | dropped due to incompatible character formats |
amazing.....while rss is popular... |
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Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:47 am |
Nothing weird at all . That is by design. I chose to only have the title with a link. |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:10 pm |
ok but your site was just one a bunch i tried,the 2 working ones are from jaded and,but that does show wrong html... |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:37 pm |
What do you mean "shows wrong"? This is exactly what I have programmed. I's not wrong. What am I missing in this thread?

Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:21 pm |
this is not about just your backend,but others to...
look here at the backend i grab from jaded...
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you see that it shows perfect with a nice shop link..
this is how the backend shows of
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see how it displays the link ?
and this is the story about vbDrupal Comment Preview Arbitrary Code Execution from your news..
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and as you see...all empty...
and thats just to bad.... |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:37 pm |
I think you are missing my point. Not everyone formats their RSS the same way. It's a matter of both choice and preference. There is no right or wrong ways - there are different ways. Can you imagine asking everyone whose format doesn't fit another one's application for anything, not just RSS.
Quote: | and as you see...all empty...
and thats just to bad.... |
It's not too bad, really, imo. It's different. Now, there is a BIG difference in requesting a site to modify their RSS back end feed in order to meld into an application like yours compared to stating that's it's wrong or whatever.
Having said all that, I will look into enhancing my feed. |

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Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:07 am |
The standard RSS 0.91 in nuke worked always like that way.
The question is:Is it really wise to show generally the hometext ? (Thats what Jaded did.)
RSS user should visit my site therefore I prefer the standard way it works.
And the world is bad there are enough content thieves around thats the other point.
I can show the same like Jadeds RSS that works perfectly in 6.5 and I believe in every other Nuke version too like in the new RavenNuke version. I ´ve tested it with my old site yesterday but I just don´t use it.
Nukescripts use RSS 2.00 I believe and there you can display general more information than in RSS 0.91. |

Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:37 am |
well it was a nice discussion....
that not all works the same....cant be helped i guess... |

Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:35 am |
I modified it last night. Have you tried it? |

Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:47 am |