// phpMyRealty 1.1
// File Name: english.lng.php
// File Location : ./languages/
// Copyright (c)2007
// e-mail:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// English Language File
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General Language Variables
// phpMyRealty codepage
$lang['Encoding'] = 'utf-8';
// Text Direction
$lang['Direction'] = 'ltr';
// Date Format
// Please, use "m" for month, "d" for day and "y" for year and
// delimit it with "-"
$lang['Date_Format'] = 'm-d-y';
// Language
$lang['Language'] = 'Language';
// Template
$lang['Template'] = 'Template';
// 1.1.0
$lang['Module_Featured_Agents'] = 'Featured Agents';
$lang['Module_Recent_Agents'] = 'Recent Agents';
// 1.0.6
$lang['WHAT'] = 'WHAT';
$lang['WHERE'] = 'WHERE';
$lang['OPTIONS'] = 'OPTIONS';
// Email verification link.
$lang['verify'] = '
Please note that you will have to validate your email to activate
your account, please follow this link:';
// Email Validation
$lang['Email_validate'] = 'Email Validation';
// Correct Validation
$lang['Validation_Correct'] = 'Thank you, your account is approved now.';
// Incorrect Validation
$lang['Validation_Incorrect'] = 'Sorry, the validation key is incorrect, please, contact administrator for support.';
// Admin Mailer
$lang['Admin_Mailer'] = 'Mailer';
// Admin Mailer To
$lang['Admin_Mailer_To'] = 'To';
// Admin Mailer Subject
$lang['Admin_Mailer_Subject'] = 'Subject';
// Admin Mailer Message
$lang['Admin_Mailer_Message'] = 'Message';
// Admin Mailer Submit
$lang['Admin_Mailer_Submit'] = 'Send';
// Admin Mailer Submit
$lang['Admin_Mailer_Sent'] = 'All the messages were sent.';
// Security Code
$lang['Security_Code'] = 'Security Code';
// Compare Listings
$lang['Compare_Listings'] = 'Compare Listings';
$lang['Compare_Error'] = '<br>Please, select at least 2 but not more than 3 listings to compare.<br><br>';
// Information
$lang['Information'] = 'Information';
// Navigation
$lang['Navigation'] = 'Navigation';
// Close (window)
$lang['Close'] = 'Close window';
// Print (image)
$lang['Print'] = 'Print Image';
// Return back
$lang['Back'] = 'Return Back';
// Errors found
$lang['Errors_Found'] = 'Correction(s) Needed';
// Characters Left
$lang['Characters_Left'] = 'character(s) left.';
// Field is empty or too short
$lang['Field_Empty'] = 'Required field is incorrect, empty or too short';
// Login is already in use by a different user
$lang['Login_Used'] = 'Login is already in use by a different user';
// e-mail banned
$lang['e_mail_Banned'] = 'Sorry, but this email is not allowed';
// Listing title is already in use by a different user
$lang['Title_Used'] = 'Title is already in use by a different user';
// Login must contain alphabetical letters and numbers only
$lang['Login_Incorrect'] = 'Login must contain alphabetical letters and numbers only';
// Password must contain alphabetical letters and numbers only
$lang['Password_Incorrect'] = 'Password must contain alphabetical letters and numbers only';
// Login or password incorrect
$lang['Auth_Error'] = 'Login or password incorrect';
// Passwords Missmatch
$lang['Passwords_Missmatch'] = 'Passwords Missmatch';
// Your Listing was not approved yet.
$lang['Not_Approved'] = 'Sorry, your listing was not approved yet. <br> Please, check your email for the verification link.';
// Date Added
$lang['Date_Added'] = 'Submission Date';
// Date Updated
$lang['Date_Updated'] = 'Last Update';
// Date Upgraded
$lang['Date_Upgraded'] = 'Upgrade Date';
// Hits
$lang['Hits'] = 'Visitors';
// Map
$lang['View_Map'] = 'Find On The Map';
// Favorites
$lang['Favorites'] = 'Favorites';
// Add to Favorites
$lang['Favorites_Add'] = 'Add To Favorites';
// Remove From Favorites
$lang['Favorites_Remove'] = 'Remove From Favorites';
// View Favorites
$lang['Favorites_View'] = 'View Favorites';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Navigation Menu
// Menu
$lang['Menu'] = 'Menu';
// Home
$lang['Menu_Home'] = 'Home';
// Search
$lang['Menu_Search'] = 'Search';
// Submit Realtor
$lang['Menu_Submit_Listing'] = 'Submit Agent';
// Submit Property
$lang['Menu_Submit_Property'] = 'Submit Listing';
// User Login
$lang['Menu_User_Login'] = 'Agent Control Panel';
// Contact Us
$lang['Menu_Contact_Us'] = 'Contacts';
// Site Map
$lang['Menu_Site_Map'] = 'Site Map';
// Mortgage Calculator
$lang['Mortgage_Calculator'] = 'Mortgage Calculator';
// Logout
$lang['Realtor_Logout'] = 'Logout';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Modules
// Property Types
$lang['Module_Property_Type'] = 'Property Type';
// Listing Types
$lang['Module_Listing_Type'] = 'Listing Type';
// Featured Listings
$lang['Module_Featured_Listings'] = 'Featured Listings';
// Most Visited
$lang['Module_Most_Visited'] = 'Most Visited Listings';
// Recent Listings
$lang['Module_Recent_Listings'] = 'Recent Listings';
// Help Tips
$lang['Module_Help_Tips'] = 'Help Tips';
// Settings
$lang['Settings'] = 'Settings';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Realtor Info
// TOP
$lang['Realtor_Top_Mark'] = '<span style="padding: 2px; background-color: #BEBFC3; color: white;">TOP</span>';
// Realtor First Name
$lang['Realtor_First_Name'] = 'First Name';
// Realtor Last Name
$lang['Realtor_Last_Name'] = 'Last Name';
// Realtor Company Name
$lang['Realtor_Company_Name'] = 'Company Name';
// Realtor Description
$lang['Realtor_Description'] = 'Description';
// Realtor Address
$lang['Realtor_Address'] = 'Address';
// Realtor Phone
$lang['Realtor_Phone'] = 'Phone Number';
// Realtor Fax
$lang['Realtor_Fax'] = 'Fax';
// Realtor Mobile Phone
$lang['Realtor_Mobile'] = 'Cell Number';
// Realtor e-mail
$lang['Realtor_e_mail'] = 'e-mail';
// Realtor Website
$lang['Realtor_Website'] = 'Web Address';
// Realtor Rating
$lang['Realtor_Rating'] = 'Rating';
// Realtor Login
$lang['Realtor_Login'] = 'Login';
// Realtor Password
$lang['Realtor_Password'] = 'Password';
// Realtor Password (repeat)
$lang['Realtor_Password_Repeat'] = 'Password (repeat)';
// Realtor Submit
$lang['Realtor_Submit'] = 'Submit Agent';
// Realtor Send Message
$lang['Realtor_Send_Message'] = 'Send Message';
// Realtor Visit Website
$lang['Realtor_Visit_Website'] = 'Visit Website';
// Realtor Listings
$lang['Realtor_Listings'] = 'Agent Listings: <br><br>';
// Realtor View All Listings
$lang['Realtor_View_All_Listings'] = 'View Listings As Search Results';
// Thank You, Your Vote Is Submitted
$lang['Realtor_Votes_Submitted'] = 'Thank you, your vote has beed submitted';
// You Have Already Rated This User
$lang['Realtor_Votes_Repeat'] = 'Sorry, you have already rated this user';
// Rate This Listing
$lang['Rate_This_Listing'] = 'Rate This Listing';
// Votes
$lang['Realtor_Votes'] = 'Votes';
// Not Rated Yet
$lang['Realtor_Votes_Empty'] = 'Not Rated Yet';
// Excellent
$lang['Realtor_Vote_5'] = 'Excellent';
// Very Good
$lang['Realtor_Vote_4'] = 'Very Good';
// Good
$lang['Realtor_Vote_3'] = 'Good';
// Fair
$lang['Realtor_Vote_2'] = 'Fair';
// Poor
$lang['Realtor_Vote_1'] = 'Poor';
// Mail Friend
$lang['Mail_Friend'] = 'Mail To A Friend';
// Your email
$lang['Mail_Friend_Your'] = 'Your email';
// Your name
$lang['Mail_Friend_Name'] = 'Your Name';
// Friend name
$lang['Mail_Friend_Friend_Name'] = 'Friend Name';
// Friend email
$lang['Mail_Friend_Friend'] = 'Friend email';
// Subject
$lang['Mail_Friend_Subject'] = 'Subject';
// Message
$lang['Mail_Friend_Message'] = 'Message';
// Message Sent
$lang['Mail_Friend_Sent'] = 'Your message has been sent successfully.';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Realtor Photo/Login section
// Realtor Submit Image
$lang['Realtor_Submit_Logo'] = 'Submit Image';
// Realtor Remove Current Image
$lang['Realtor_Submit_Logo_Remove'] = 'Remove Current Image';
// Realtor Image
$lang['Realtor_Logo'] = 'Realtor Logo/Photo';
// Image File
$lang['Realtor_Logo_File'] = 'Image File';
// Image Uploaded
$lang['Realtor_Image_Uploaded'] = 'The image file was succesfully uploaded';
// Image NOT Uploaded
$lang['Realtor_Image_NOT_Uploaded'] = 'Can\'t upload image. Only JPEG is allowed.';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Realtor 'Thank you' Messages
// Realtor Submit Message
$lang['Realtor_Listing_Submitted'] = 'Thank you!<br>Your information was successfully added into our database.<br>Please, check your email for the validation link, then login and start adding your listings. Thank you!';
$lang['Realtor_Listing_Submitted_Approve'] = 'Thank you!<br>Your information was successfully added into our database.<br>The administrator of this website will check your<br>listing shortly and activate it. You will receive an e-mail<br>notification. Thank you!';
// Realtor Listing Added
$lang['Realtor_Listing_Added'] = 'Thank you!<br>Your information was successfully added into the database.';
$lang['Realtor_Listing_Added_Approve'] = 'Thank you!<br>Your information was successfully added into the database.<br>The administrator of this website will check your<br>listing shortly. You will receive an e-mail<br>notification. Thank you!';
// Realtor Listing Updated
$lang['Realtor_Listing_Updated'] = 'Thank you!<br>Your information was successfully updated.';
$lang['Realtor_Listing_Updated_Approve'] = 'Thank you!<br>Your information was successfully updated.<br>The administrator of this website will check your<br>listing shortly. You will receive an e-mail<br>notification. Thank you!';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Property Info
// NEW
$lang['Listing_New_Mark'] = '<span style="padding: 2px; background-color: #E6BA9D; color: white;">NEW</span>';
$lang['Listing_Updated_Mark'] = '<span style="padding: 2px; background-color: #ABB592; color: white;">UPDATED</span>';
$lang['Listing_Featured_Mark'] = '<span style="padding: 2px; background-color: #DF7A72; color: white;">FEATURED</span>';
// Listing Title
$lang['Listing_Title'] = 'Listing Title';
// Property Reference MLS #
$lang['Listing_MLS'] = 'MLS #';
// Property Type
$lang['Listing_Property_Type'] = 'Property Type';
// Property Style
$lang['Listing_Style'] = 'Style';
// Description
$lang['Listing_Description'] = 'Description';
// Dimensions
$lang['Listing_Dimensions'] = 'Size (square feet)';
// Lot Size
$lang['Listing_Lot_Size'] = 'Lot Size (acres)';
// Bathrooms
$lang['Listing_Bathrooms'] = 'Bathrooms';
// Half Bathrooms
$lang['Listing_Half_Bathrooms'] = 'Half Bathrooms';
// Bedrooms
$lang['Listing_Bedrooms'] = 'Bedrooms';
// Basement
$lang['Listing_Basement'] = 'Basement';
// Garage
$lang['Listing_Garage'] = 'Garage';
// Garage Cars
$lang['Listing_Garage_Cars'] = 'Garage Cars';
// State
$lang['Location'] = 'State';
// City
$lang['City'] = 'City';
// Zip Code
$lang['Zip_Code'] = 'Zip / Postal Code';
// Address 1
$lang['Listing_Address1'] = 'Address 1';
// Address 2
$lang['Listing_Address2'] = 'Address 2';
// Display Property Address?
$lang['Listing_Display_Address'] = 'Display Property Address?';
// Price
$lang['Listing_Price'] = 'Price';
// Directions
$lang['Listing_Directions'] = 'Directions';
// Yahoo Directions
$lang['Listing_Yahoo_Directions'] = '(Get Yahoo Driving Directions)';
// Year Built
$lang['Listing_Year_Built'] = 'Year Built';
// Agent Commision (%)
$lang['Listing_Agent_Commision'] = 'Agent Commission (%)';
// Winter Tax
$lang['Listing_Winter_Tax'] = 'Winter Tax';
// Summer Tax
$lang['Listing_Summer_Tax'] = 'Summer Tax';
// Additional Out Buildings
$lang['Listing_Additional_Out_Buildings'] = 'Additional Out Buildings';
// Appliances Included
$lang['Listing_Appliances_Included'] = 'Appliances Included';
// Features
$lang['Listing_Features'] = 'Features';
// Date Added
$lang['Listing_Added_Date'] = 'Date Added';
// Date Updated
$lang['Listing_Updated_Date'] = 'Date Updated';
// Date Upgraded
$lang['Listing_Upgraded_Date'] = 'Date Upgraded';
// Realtor Details
$lang['View_Realtor'] = 'Agent Details';
// Video Tour
$lang['Video_Tour'] = 'Video Tour';
// Main Listing image section
// Submit Image
$lang['Listing_Submit_Image'] = 'Submit Image';
// Remove Current Listing Image
$lang['Listing_Submit_Image_Remove'] = 'Remove Image';
// Listing Image
$lang['Listing_Image'] = 'Listing Main Image';
// Image File
$lang['Listing_Image_File'] = 'Image File';
// Image Uploaded
$lang['Listing_Image_Uploaded'] = 'The image file was succesfully uploaded';
// Image NOT Uploaded
$lang['Listing_Image_NOT_Uploaded'] = 'Can\'t upload image. Maximum number reached or only JPEG is allowed';
// Listing banner section
// Submit Banner
$lang['Listing_Submit_Banner'] = 'Submit Banner';
// Remove Current Listing Banner
$lang['Listing_Submit_Banner_Remove'] = 'Remove Banner';
// Banner
$lang['Listing_Banner'] = 'Banner';
// Banner Image File
$lang['Listing_Banner_File'] = 'Banner Image File';
// Banner Uploaded
$lang['Listing_Banner_Uploaded'] = 'The banner image file was succesfully uploaded';
// Banner NOT Uploaded
$lang['Listing_Banner_NOT_Uploaded'] = 'Can\'t upload banner image. Only JPEG, GIF are allowed, maximum size is ';
// Add/Edit Listings Section
// Add Listing
$lang['Add_Listings'] = 'Add Listings';
// Remove listing
$lang['Listing_Remove'] = 'Remove Listing';
// Remove selected listings
$lang['Remove_Selected_Listings'] = 'Remove Selected';
// Edit Listings
$lang['Edit_Listings'] = 'Edit Listings';
// Submit Listing
$lang['Listing_Submit'] = 'Submit Listing';
// Listing Updated
$lang['Listing_Updated'] = 'Thank you!<br>Your information was successfully updated.';
$lang['Listing_Updated_Approve'] = 'Thank you!<br>Your information was successfully updated.<br>The administrator of this website will check your<br>listing shortly. You will receive an e-mail<br>notification. Thank you!';
// You've reached the max number of listings
$lang['Maximum_Number_Of_Listings_Reached'] = 'You have reached the maximum number of listings allowed by administrator';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Photo Gallery
// Photo Gallery Bulk Upload
$lang['Photo_Gallery_Bulk'] = 'Bulk Photos Upload';
// Photo Gallery
$lang['Photo_Gallery'] = 'Photo Gallery';
// Photo Title
$lang['Photo_Gallery_Title'] = 'Title';
// Photo Description
$lang['Photo_Gallery_Description'] = 'Description';
// Photo Submit
$lang['Photo_Gallery_Submit'] = 'Submit Photo Information';
// Photo Update
$lang['Photo_Gallery_Update'] = 'Update Photo Information';
// Photo Remove
$lang['Photo_Gallery_Remove'] = 'Remove Photo Information';
// Upload Photo
$lang['Photo_Gallery_Submit_Image'] = 'Upload Photo';
// Remove Photo
$lang['Photo_Gallery_Submit_Image_Remove'] = 'Remove Photo';
// Gallery Submitted
$lang['Gallery_Updated'] = 'The new information was added into the photo gallery';
// Gallery Removed
$lang['Gallery_Removed'] = 'The item was successfully removed from the image gallery';
// You've reached the max number of photos
$lang['Maximum_Number_Of_Photos_Reached'] = 'You have reached the maximum number of photos allowed by administrator';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search
// Search
$lang['Search'] = 'Search';
// Advanced Search
$lang['Advanced_Search'] = 'Advanced Search';
// Nothing was found
$lang['Nothing_Found'] = 'Nothing was found, please, try again.';
// Search
$lang['Property_Search'] = 'Find Property';
// Search
$lang['Realtor_Search'] = 'Find Agent';
// Keyword
$lang['Search_Keyword'] = 'Keyword';
// Location
$lang['Search_Location'] = 'Location';
// Price Range
$lang['Search_Price_Range'] = 'Price Range';
// To
$lang['Search_To'] = 'to';
// Any
$lang['Search_Any'] = 'Any';
// Min. # Of Bedrooms
$lang['Search_Min_Bedrooms'] = 'Min. # of Bedrooms';
// Min. # Of Bathrooms
$lang['Search_Min_Bathrooms'] = 'Min. # of Bathrooms';
// With Images Only
$lang['Search_Images_Only'] = 'With Images Only';
// Order By
$lang['Order_By'] = 'Sort By';
// Next
$lang['Next'] = 'Next';
// Previous
$lang['Previous'] = 'Previous';
// Back to listing search results
$lang['Search_Back_Listing'] = 'Back to latest property search results';
// Back to user search results
$lang['Search_Back_User'] = 'Back to latest agents search results';
// Back to ...
$lang['Search_Back_To'] = 'Back to';
// Order Types
$lang['Listing_Ascending'] = 'Ascending';
$lang['Listing_Descending'] = 'Descending';
// Your Zip Code
$lang['Your_Zip_Code'] = 'Your Zip Code';
// Radius
$lang['Your_Zip_Code_Radius'] = 'Within radius';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Password Reminder
// Password Reminder
$lang['Password_Reminder'] = 'Password Reminder';
// Password Reminder Submit button
$lang['Password_Reminder_Submit'] = 'Get New Password';
// Password Reminder User Not Found
$lang['Password_Reminder_Not_Found'] = 'No users were found, sorry.';
// Password Reminder Approved
$lang['Password_Reminder_Approved'] = 'Thank you, the new password was generated and mailed to {email}';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mailer
// Mailer
$lang['Mailer'] = 'Send Message';
// To
$lang['Mailer_To'] = 'To';
// Mailer e-mail
$lang['Mailer_e_mail'] = 'Your e-mail';
// Mailer Message
$lang['Mailer_Message'] = 'Your Message';
// Mailer Submit Button
$lang['Mailer_Submit'] = 'Send Message';
// Mailer Error Message
$lang['Mailer_User_Not_Found'] = 'No user found with this ID';
// Mailer Subject
$lang['Mailer_Subject'] = 'Message from a {website_name} visitor ({user_e_mail})';
// Mailer Message Sent
$lang['Mailer_Sent'] = 'Thank you, your message to {name} was sent.';
// Flood detected
$lang['Flood_Detected'] = 'Please, send next message in 30 seconds after the previous one.';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// e-mail Templates
// Password Reminder Mail
// You can use the following variables
// {name} for the user full name
// {login} for login
// {password} for new generated password
// {website_name} for your website name
$lang['Password_Reminder_Mail'] = '
Hello, {name}
Thank you for using Password Reminder,
you new user details are:
login: {login}
password: {password}
Please, write this down somewhere and
keep it in a secret place.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mail to a friend
// You can use the following variables
// {name} for the user full name
// {friend_name} for the friend name
// {website_name} for your website name
// {link} for the link to the listing
// {text} for user comments
$lang['Mail_Friend_Mail'] = '
Hello, {friend_name}
Your friend {name} has sent you this message because he/she felt
you would be interested in the following property on our website.
Your friend {name} comments: {text}
If you do not know this person, please, accept our sincere apology, as it
appears someone is abusing our Tell A Friend system.
Thank you.
// User notification about the submission
// Variables to use
// {website_name} for your website name
$lang['Realtor_Notification_Subject'] = 'Your realtor/agent submission was added to {website_name}';
// You can use the following variables
// {website_name} for your website name
// {first_name} for the new realtor name
// {last_name} for the last realtor name
// {company} for the realtor company name
// {address} for the realtor complete address
// {login} for the realtor login
// {password} for the realtor password
$lang['Realtor_Notification_Mail'] = '
thank you for submitting a new realtor/agent into {website_name}.
If the administrator have to approve the listings manually you will receive an
email confirmation shortly.
You can access your record anytime using login and password you
used during the submission process.
Submission details:
{first_name} {last_name}
Login: {login}
Password: {password}
Thank you.
// Admin notification about a new realtor to be approved
$lang['Admin_Realtor_Notification_Subject'] = 'New realtor/agent was just submitted to your website.';
// You can use the following variables
// {first_name} for the new realtor name
// {last_name} for the last realtor name
// {company} for the realtor company name
// {address} for the realtor complete address
$lang['Admin_Realtor_Notification_Mail'] = '
a new realtor/agent was submitted to your website recently,
please, login to your administrator panel and approve or
reject this listing.
Submission details:
{first_name} {last_name}
Thank you.
// Admin notification about a new listing to be approved
$lang['Admin_Listing_Notification_Subject'] = 'New listing was just submitted to your website.';
// You can use the following variables
// {title} for the listing title
$lang['Admin_Listing_Notification_Mail'] = '
a new listing was submitted to your website recently,
please, login to your administrator panel and approve or
reject this listing.
Submission details:
Thank you.
// User notification about the approved realtor
// Variables to use
// {website_name} for your website name
$lang['User_Realtor_Notification_Subject'] = 'Your realtor/agent record was just added to {website_name}';
// You can use the following variables
// {first_name} for the new realtor name
// {last_name} for the last realtor name
// {company} for the realtor company name
// {address} for the realtor complete address
$lang['User_Realtor_Notification_Mail'] = '
thank you for submitting a new realtor/agent into {website_name}.
You can access your record anytime using login and password you
used during the submission process.
Submission details:
{first_name} {last_name}
Thank you.
// User notification about the approved listing
// Variables to use
// {website_name} for your website name
$lang['User_Listing_Notification_Subject'] = 'Your Listing was just added to {website_name}.';
// You can use the following variables
// {title} for the listing title
// {website_name} for your website name
$lang['User_Listing_Notification_Mail'] = '
Thank you for submitting your real estate listing into {website_name}.
Your listing was just approved by the website administrator and is
available in the public directory.
Submission details:
Thank you.
// User notification about the rejected agent/listing
// Variables to use
// {website_name} for your website name
$lang['User_Rejected_Notification_Subject'] = 'Your Listing was NOT added to {website_name}.';
// You can use the following variables
// {website_name} for your website name
$lang['User_Rejected_Notification_Mail'] = '
We are sorry, but your agent/listing was rejected/removed from {website_name}.
Thank you.
// Administrator Section
// Administrator Module
$lang['Module_Admin'] = 'Administrator Control Panel';
// Administrator Username
$lang['Admin_Login'] = 'Username';
// Administrator Password
$lang['Admin_Password'] = 'Password';
// Administrator Submit Login Details
$lang['Admin_Login_Submit'] = 'Login';
// Administrator Top Menu Items
// Administrator Top Menu - Manage Users
$lang['Admin_Top_Menu_Manage_Users'] = 'Manage Users';
// Administrator Top Menu - Manage Listings
$lang['Admin_Top_Menu_Manage_Listings'] = 'Manage Listings';
// Administrator Top Menu - Manage Types, Locations etc
$lang['Admin_Top_Menu_Manage_Types_Locations'] = 'Manage Types, Locations etc';
// Administrator Top Menu - Configuration Settings
$lang['Admin_Top_Menu_Configuration_Settings'] = 'Configuration Settings';
// Administrator Top Menu - Manage Administrators
$lang['Admin_Top_Menu_Manage_Administrators'] = 'Manage Administrators';
// Administrator Top Menu - Logout
$lang['Admin_Top_Menu_Logout'] = 'Logout';
// Administrator Manage Administrators Menu
// Administrator - Add Administrator
$lang['Admin_Add_Administrator'] = 'Add Administrator';
// Administrator - Edit Administrators
$lang['Admin_Edit_Administrators'] = 'Edit Administrators';
// Privileges
// Administrator - Edit Priveleges
$lang['Admin_Edit_Privileges'] = 'Edit Privileges';
// Administrator - Submit Priveleges
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Submit'] = 'Submit Privileges';
// Administrator - Update Priveleges
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Update'] = 'Update Privileges';
// Administrator - Remove Priveleges
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Remove'] = 'Remove Privileges';
// Administrator - Privilege Already in Use
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Used'] = 'Privilege Already in Use';
// Privilege Added
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Added'] = 'Privilege Successfully Added';
// Privilege Removed
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Removed'] = 'Privilege Successfully Removed';
// Privilege Updated
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Updated'] = 'Privilege Successfully Updated';
// Privilege Name
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Name'] = 'Privilege Name';
// Can Manage Users
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Users'] = 'Can Manage Users';
// Can Manage Listings
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Listings'] = 'Can Manage Listings';
// Can Manage Photo Gallery
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Gallery'] = 'Can Manage Photo Gallery';
// Can Manage Types, Locations
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Types'] = 'Can Manage Types, Locations etc';
// Can Manage Settings
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Settings'] = 'Can Manage Configuration Settings';
// Can Manage Administrators
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Administrators'] = 'Can Manage Administrators';
// Super User - All options enabled
$lang['Admin_Privileges_Super_Enabled'] = 'All options enabled';
// Edit Admins
// Submit Admin
$lang['Admin_Submit'] = 'Add';
// Update Admin
$lang['Admin_Update'] = 'Update';
// Remove Admin
$lang['Admin_Remove'] = 'Remove';
// Admin Added
$lang['Admin_Added'] = 'New administrator added successfully';
// Admin Updated
$lang['Admin_Updated'] = 'Existing administrator updated successfully';
// Admin Removed
$lang['Admin_Removed'] = 'Existing administrator removed successfully';
// You can't remove your own administrator details
$lang['Admin_Do_Not_Remove_Your_Own_Record'] = 'You can\'t remove your own administrator details';
// You can't remove SUPERUSER
$lang['Admin_Do_Not_Remove_Superuser'] = 'You can\'t remove SUPERUSER account';
// Configuration Settings
// Configuration Settings
$lang['Admin_Configuration_Settings'] = 'Configuration Settings';
// Database Backup
$lang['Admin_Database_Backup'] = 'Database Backup';
// Ban e-mails
$lang['Admin_Ban_e_mails'] = 'Ban e-mail Addresses';
// Statistics
$lang['Admin_Statistics'] = 'Statistics';
// Configuration
// Submit Changes
$lang['Admin_Settings_Submit'] = 'Submit Changes';
// Settings successfully updated
$lang['Admin_Settings_Updated'] = 'Settings successfully updated';
// Edit Types, Locations etc
// Property Types
$lang['Admin_Property_Types'] = 'Edit Property Types';
// Locations
$lang['Admin_Locations'] = 'Edit Locations';
// Styles
$lang['Admin_Styles'] = 'Edit Styles';
// Basement Type
$lang['Admin_Basement'] = 'Edit Basement Types';
// Garage Type
$lang['Admin_Garage'] = 'Edit Garage Types';
// Additional Out Buildings
$lang['Admin_Additional_Out_Buildings'] = 'Edit Additional Out Buildings';
// Appliances Included
$lang['Admin_Appliances_Included'] = 'Edit Appliances Included';
// Features
$lang['Admin_Features'] = 'Edit Features';
// Edit Items
// Item
$lang['Admin_Item'] = 'Item';
// Admin Item Submit
$lang['Admin_Item_Submit'] = 'Add';
// Admin Item Update
$lang['Admin_Item_Update'] = 'Update';
// Admin Item Remove
$lang['Admin_Item_Remove'] = 'Remove';
// Admin Item Added
$lang['Admin_Item_Added'] = 'Item Added';
// Admin Item Updated
$lang['Admin_Item_Updated'] = 'Item Updated';
// Admin Item Removed
$lang['Admin_Item_Removed'] = 'Item Removed';
// Manage Users
// Approve New users
$lang['Admin_Approve_New_Users'] = 'Approve New Users';
// Approve New users, Thank you
$lang['Admin_User_Approved'] = 'Thank you, the user is approved now';
// Approve New listing, Thank you
$lang['Admin_Listing_Approved'] = 'Thank you, the listing is approved now';
// Approve Updated users
$lang['Admin_Approve_Updated_Users'] = 'Check Updated Users';
// Add User
$lang['Admin_Add_Users'] = 'Add New User';
// Edit Users
$lang['Admin_Edit_Users'] = 'Update / Remove Users / <b>Add Listings</b>';
// Mailer
$lang['Admin_Mailer'] = 'Send Messages';
// Edit
$lang['Admin_Edit_This'] = 'Edit';
// Remove
$lang['Admin_Remove_This'] = 'Remove';
// Approve
$lang['Admin_Approve_This'] = 'Approve';
// User Removed
$lang['Admin_Realtor_Removed'] = 'The user and all associated information removed';
// Manage Listings
// Approve New Listings
$lang['Admin_Approve_New_Listings'] = 'Approve New Listings';
// Approve Updated Listings
$lang['Admin_Approve_Updated_Listings'] = 'Check Updated Listings';
// Add Listing
$lang['Admin_Add_Listings'] = 'Add New Listing';
// Edit Listings
$lang['Admin_Edit_Listings'] = 'Edit Listings';
// Listing Removed
$lang['Admin_Listing_Removed'] = 'The listing and all associated information removed';
// Show NOT approved realtors
$lang['Realtor_Approved'] = 'Show NOT approved agents';
// Show updated realtors
$lang['Realtor_Show_Updated'] = 'Show updated agents';
// for the last
$lang['Realtor_Show_Updated_For_The_Last'] = 'for the last';
// days
$lang['days'] = 'days';
// Show NOT approved listings
$lang['Listing_Approved'] = 'Show NOT approved listings';
// Show updated listings
$lang['Listing_Show_Updated'] = 'Show updated listings';
// for the last
$lang['Listing_Show_Updated_For_The_Last'] = 'for the last';
// Make the listing FEATURED
$lang['Listing_Convert_Featured'] = 'Convert into FEATURED';
// Start date
$lang['Listing_Featured_Start_Date'] = 'Start date';
// End date
$lang['Listing_Featured_End_Date'] = 'End date';
// Featured Period
$lang['Featured_Dates'] = 'Featured Period Incorrect';
// PayPal Packages
$lang['Admin_Packages'] = 'Edit Featured Listings Packages';
// PayPal Agent Packages
$lang['Admin_Agent_Packages'] = 'Edit Featured Agents Packages';
// Submit Package
$lang['Admin_Packages_Submit'] = 'Submit Package';
// Package name is already in use
$lang['Admin_Packages_Used'] = 'Package name is already in use';
// Package Name
$lang['Admin_Packages_Name'] = 'Package Name';
// Package Price
$lang['Admin_Packages_Price'] = 'Package Price (e.g 10.50)';
// Agent Package Price
$lang['Admin_Agent_Packages_Price'] = 'Package Price (e.g 10.50)';
// Package Duration
$lang['Admin_Packages_Days'] = 'Package Duration (days)';
// Package Listing Position
$lang['Admin_Packages_Position'] = 'Listing Position (1-100)';
// Package Agent Number of Listings
$lang['Admin_Agent_Packages_Listings'] = 'Number of Listings';
// Package Agent Number of Gallery Photos
$lang['Admin_Agent_Packages_Gallery'] = 'Number of Gallery Photos per Listing';
// Package Agent Show Main Image
$lang['Admin_Agent_Packages_Mainimage'] = 'Show Property Main Image (ON/OFF)';
// Package Agent Show Agent Photo
$lang['Admin_Agent_Packages_Photo'] = 'Show Agent Photo (ON/OFF)';
// Package Agent Show Agent Phone
$lang['Admin_Agent_Packages_Phone'] = 'Show Agent Phone, Fax, Mobile (ON/OFF)';
// Package Agent Show Agent Address
$lang['Admin_Agent_Packages_Address'] = 'Show Agent Address (ON/OFF)';
// Package Added
$lang['Admin_Packages_Added'] = 'Featured Package Added';
// Update Package
$lang['Admin_Packages_Update'] = 'Update Package';
// Package Updated
$lang['Admin_Packages_Updated'] = 'Featured Package Updated';
// Remove Package
$lang['Admin_Packages_Remove'] = 'Remove Package';
// Package Removed
$lang['Admin_Packages_Removed'] = 'Featured Package Removed';
// Expiration Date
$lang['Admin_Listing_Expire'] = 'Expiration Date';
// Upgrade Listing
$lang['Upgrade_Listing'] = 'Upgrade Listing';
// Print Listing
$lang['Listing_Print'] = 'Print Listing';
$lang['Compare'] = 'Compare Featured Packages';
$lang['Package_Agent'] = 'Compare Agents Paid Packages';
$lang['Package_Listing'] = 'Compare Property Listings Featured Packages';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Listing Alerts
// Listing Alert
$lang['Alert'] = 'Listing Alerts';
// Name
$lang['Alert_Name'] = 'Your Name';
// email
$lang['Alert_email'] = 'email';
// email2
$lang['Alert_email2'] = 'Confirm email';
// Desired Property Type
$lang['Alert_Type'] = 'Desired Property Type';
// Desired Zip Code
$lang['Alert_Zip'] = 'Desired Zip Code';
// Desired City
$lang['Alert_City'] = 'Desired City';
// Alert text
$lang['Alert_Text'] = '
Please, use "Listing Alerts" tool to subscribe and receive email
notifications based on the property type and location criteria
each time agents add property listings to our website.
// Submit
$lang['Alert_Submit'] = 'Submit';
// Alert Notification Subject
// {website} - website name
$lang['Alert_Notification_Subject'] = 'Please, approve your listing alert subscription at {website}';
// Alert Notification Email
// {website} - website name
// {link} - approval link
// {name} - user name
$lang['Alert_Notification_Mail'] = '
Good day {name},
You have recently subscribed on {website} to receive email
notifications based on the location criteria, but before we
can start sending your these notifications we have to make
sure this is your email, so please, use the link below to
approve your submission,
Thank you,
// Submission notification
$lang['Alert_Added'] = 'Thank you for adding your listing alert! You will receive an email with approval link shortly.';
// Approval notification
$lang['Alert_Approved'] = 'Thank you for approving your listing alert subscription!';
// Unsubscribe notification
$lang['Alert_Unsubscribed'] = 'We have just removed your listing alert subscription';
// Alert Subject
// {website} - website name
$lang['Alert_Subject'] = 'New listing was recently added to {website}';
// Alert Email
// {website} - website name
// {link} - listing link
// {unsubscribe} - unsubscribe link
$lang['Alert_Mail'] = '
Good day {name},
You are subscribed at {website} to receive recent
listings notifications based on the definite search criteria.
Please, check the new property listing you may be interested in at:
To unsubscribe and never receive this notification again use this link:
Thank you,
// Listing Expiration Subject
$lang['Listing_Expiration_Subject'] = 'Dear user, your listing is about to expire';
// Listing Expiration Email
// {name} - agent name
// {listing} - listing title
// {date} - expiration date
// {website} - website name
$lang['Listing_Expiration_Email'] = '
Good day {name},
your listing {listing} is about to expire on {date}.
Please, upgrade. The upgrade links are available in your agent control panel.
Thank you.
// Agent Expiration Subject
$lang['Agent_Expiration_Subject'] = 'Dear user, your listing is about to expire';
// Listing Expiration Email
// {name} - agent name
// {listing} - listing title
// {date} - expiration date
// {website} - website name
$lang['Agent_Expiration_Email'] = '
Good day {name},
your agent listing is about to expire on {date}.
Please, upgrade. The upgrade links are available in your agent control panel.
Thank you.