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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:50 pm Reply with quote

First off I want to apologize in advance if I have posted this in the wrong forum.

I am running a site using Phpnuke clan (PNC) and I was told by a friend the other day that PNC is dated and that the project looks as if it is dead with no update in sight. Also, right now PNC only supports php 5.2 which is fine because my web host is running php 5.2....for now. If my web host goes to php 5.3 then my site will be broken Sad and that would be a huge pain! On top of that, I was told that the VWar module PNC has is extremely insecure.

Ravens Nuke was recommended to me but I don't know how I would go about converting my PNC database to Ravens nuke or if its even possible. I would like to keep all usernames/passwords, news articles, forums/posts for sure and anything else that could also be converted over. I really want to install Ravens Nuke badly it seems to be updated more often and also more stable. Then when my web host goes to php 5.3 I'll be good:)

Also, would I be able to install the new version Ravens nuke on my php 5.2 server or would I have to use an older one?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:50 pm Reply with quote

This should help you get started:


Also I would do it locally with Xampp or one of the other programs which allow you to practice on websites on your local computer. I believe you should have no problem with RN2.5 on a php 5.2 server...Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:39 am Reply with quote

After many hours of testing/tweaking/and installing I have successfully converted my site from PNC to the current version of Ravens Nuke. Also, preserving all content and users on the site. I am posting this reply in hopes this helps someone else who many encounter this problem in the future. I would've killed for this info when I was doing this. Luckily I was able to figure it out Smile

Here's what I did:

First, I installed WAMP (Windows, Apache, MYSQL, PHP) on a server machine I had hooked up to my network (to test/convert the site BEFORE I did anything to my host's web server). Then I exported my PNC database on my host's web server and imported it into my local SQL server.

Then I downloaded and installed the current version of Ravens Nuke onto the local server. Here comes the hard part (not really but it will take time to find what you need). I went to phpMyAdmin for the local SQL server and then to my PNC database and manually converted the table names to fit Ravens Nuke. In my case I changed the start of table name from PNC_ to nuke_ . Then I copied the newly renamed table checking the box to include a drop statement (very important) to the Ravens Nuke database on the local SQL server. I carefully looked at all the table and only convert the ones I thought I would need without breaking Ravens Nuke.

Here's a list of the tables I converted from PNC DB to Ravens nuke DB :



I may have missed some tables and/or another person may have different tables than I to convert. Granted, my site wasn't very large.

From there it was all smooth sailing.

    Backed up local ravens nuke DB using gzip compression.

    Backed up the website / root and PNC DB (not the local site the one on the web).

    Imported the new Ravens nuke DB from my local site to my host's server.

    Deleted all PNC files minus topic images, and other non PNC related files.

    uploaded ALL Ravens Nuke files from my local site to the Host's server.

    Configured config.php to fit the database I imported from my local site.

BAM! Raven's Nuke converted from PNC baby! Hecks ya I did it Very Happy

Hopefully I am not missing anything but I think that's it though. Who knows it's 3:30 am and I'm tired, It's entirely possible. Forgive me if it's not complete but hopefully this will serve someone else well in converting their PNC 4.5 site to Ravens Nuke 2.5.0. It was some work but totally worth it. Now my site is more secure, it functions better and when my web host changes their servers from php 5.2 to 5.3 I'm good to go.

Thanks fire for your reply your link did help get me started at least Smile

Last edited by cbviking on Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:10 am Reply with quote

Congratulations on your conversion!.....Smile

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:28 am Reply with quote

Congrats cbviking, btw this should be sticky Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:13 pm Reply with quote

I will join in the congrats too.

Note to others doing something similar. There is a table comparison utility in the RN 2.5 distribution that you can use to compare the official RN2.5 table structure to the one in your old database. Or you can use a tool like MYSQLdiff. Nothing wrong with the way you did it, obviously, but those tools do give you a more scientific approach and greater assurance that problems won't pop up down the road.
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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:26 pm Reply with quote

fkelly wrote:
I will join in the congrats too.

Note to others doing something similar. There is a table comparison utility in the RN 2.5 distribution that you can use to compare the official RN2.5 table structure to the one in your old database. Or you can use a tool like MYSQLdiff. Nothing wrong with the way you did it, obviously, but those tools do give you a more scientific approach and greater assurance that problems won't pop up down the road.


Congrats on the conversion!

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:30 pm Reply with quote

As the ONLY (hence the very slow development as I have no time for it) Developer (trying) to work on PNC I can confirm to anyone reading this that it is likely PNC will not continue to be developed in the future. There is currently an 80% finished updated version to yet be released. However, it still needs the brand new installer (20% started) to be completed but of which is also on hold while a complete re-desing and migration of the site which hosts PNC to a new system is completed. That is also nearly 80% completed.

The next release of PNC will be 5.3 compatible and will be secure (the vWar rumours are old and it has been secured and no known vulnerabilities exists on the version we run) but will also likely be the last release of PNC that runs vWar. It will be mostly a compatibility and maintenance release with only a couple new modules or features. Any future release of PNC (other than the next one) will not contain vwar at all but will include an all new Roster and Battle Management system. It will also not likely be built on the Nuke platform but, even if for some reason it is, it will not likely be called "PNC" anymore. The one thing that will happen if that does change is the new system will be designed to upgrade from PNC to it.

That said Thanks for sharing your conversion experience I am sure it will help others who wish to migrate to RN and good luck with your new site! Wink
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