Posted on Thursday, October 05, 2017 @ 16:39:11 CDT in Software by Raven
neralex writes: On 26.09.2017 Mozilla released the official BETA for Firefox 57 Quantum. Firefox gots finally a multi-process architecture and a UI-redesign. The browser is roughly fast then all previous versions. If you like the Fox, then you should really try it out. Read More...
Posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 @ 18:00:19 CDT in Software by Raven
papamike writes: I don't know how many GIMP users are in the community, but if you are, then you know how diverse it is. I have used Photoshop back when I was a Windows geek, but, have been a faithful user of The GIMP since it's inception. And, I can say that it has come a long way. For Linux users, like me, it just plain out takes the place of Photoshop and certainly Paint shop Pro.
Now to use a fine piece of software, like The GIMP, you may need resources to go to and stay current on the issues and etc..
Here's where I go it's all about The GIMP and, of course, it's a hot ticket item.
Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011 @ 20:11:49 CDT in Software by Raven
Admin writes: PhpED (from technology company NuSphere) is the Integrated Development Environment for PHP (PHP IDE), HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML and other web technologies. A balanced combination of advanced code editor, reliable dbg debugger, productive database connectivity client and fast and secure deployment abilities make PhpED a complete solution for most sophisticated developer needs. As in any complicated process, in php development a great deal of effectiveness depends on your choice of production tools. According to our customers, PhpED 6.0 saves up to 75% of development time.
Learn More
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Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 @ 01:35:37 CDT in Software by Raven
papamike writes:
It’s never been easier to get your Ruby on Rails Application up and running on the cloud. With just your name, email address, and code location, you can have your app up and running in minutes on Engine Yard’s AppCloud.
Ruby On Rails
Posted on Sunday, April 10, 2011 @ 02:18:33 CDT in Software by Raven
Southern writes: Linux only: You can now install Internet Explorer 7.0 in Linux with the latest beta release of IEs 4 Linux, which has made some major improvements since the last time we covered it. IEs 4 Linux now includes a graphical installer and gives you the option of installing Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 and the Flash plugins. Like the last version of IEs 4 Linux, you will need to install wine and cabextract beforehand. It took me several attempts before IEs 4 Linux was able to successfully download everything, but if you're looking to stay on the bleeding edge, IEs 4 Linux can get the job done. IEs 4 Linux is a free download for Linux only.
Posted on Saturday, January 08, 2011 @ 07:46:21 CST in Software by Raven
Southern writes: It's a testament to how far Linux has come that users today don't typically have to use the command line if they don't want to. Such is the quality of the graphical user interfaces in many modern Linux distributions that there's simply no need, in general.
Yet the command line can be a highly efficient way of getting things done in the Linux world--it's often a much simpler, easier and more direct method than clicking through all the menu choices, in fact.
I believe fear of the command line is one of the top mistakes newcomers to Linux sometimes make. For that reason, let's look at some of the main commands any Linux user should know.
more: itworld