NukeCommerce 1.5.0 concerns raised

Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 @ 06:55:29 CST in Security
by sixonetonoffun

Visiting the NukeCommerce site the past couple days would have revealed the following message.
nukecommerce will be back online shortly. The world would be a better place if certain indivduals would stop hacking opensource software sites, I'm sure we'd all be a little better off.. Since somebody hacked the site we have sent all of our monitoring logs to the appropriate agencies, and we have been advised to not open our site back up.

Now this is a pretty non descript statement put out by the team there. What happened in detail only time will tell. But I have had the opportunity to download and briefly test the recent NukeCommerce1.5.0 version but have no way of knowing if this was the package being used on their site.
I’ve started a poll and discussion here.
I was disappointed to see the inclusion of so many known unsafe modules webmail and Event Calendar in particular. With out any information indicating that these modules have been updated in reference to publicly posted vulnerabilities. This is a project I would like to see succeed. But under the circumstances I would advise users not to use this on a production site until the smoke has cleared and the above concerns as well as others have been addressed.

In the following discussion at Osc2Nuke it has been suggested users speak their minds regarding the future development of both packages. Raising the possibility of sharing a public version. Though it has been made very clear that there will not be a rejoining of the separate teams. It is refreshing to see that the Osc2Nuke team is open to lending limited support in the way of sharing their work under GPL license without malice.
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Re: NukeCommerce 1.5.0 concerns raised (Score: 1)
by sharlein on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 @ 12:02:33 CST

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Six, I am getting a 404 error with the link.

Re: NukeCommerce 1.5.0 concerns raised (Score: 1)
by Raven
(raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 @ 12:24:18 CST
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See if that helps :)

Re: NukeCommerce 1.5.0 concerns raised (Score: 1)
by sixonetonoffun
on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 @ 18:31:59 CST
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Sorry I always forget if its single or double quotes that work right here.

Re: NukeCommerce 1.5.0 concerns raised (Score: 1)
by Raven
(raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 @ 19:42:48 CST
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/me slaps 6

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