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Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:22 pm |
Just found an interesting article on Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!.
If you look at it in terms of what's been done with RavenNuke, I think the answer is Yes, even though we don't have employed developers or official commercial support. I especially like the part about "humble dictators" (aka benevolent dictators - which we've used to describe Raven in the past).
What do you think? Is that a valid method for determining success? How do your favorite projects measure? |
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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:13 pm |
Raven Nuke is without a doubt a success. So many people who have been turned off at PHPNuke (Me included) are now being revitalized by the work being done here. Each new release has more to offer without being weighted down with junk. 2 thumbs up in my book. |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:27 pm |
I think it rates up there pretty high. The support here is better than most "commercial" supports that I have ever had to use. Following their 9 categories, I think you could mark this up as a very successful open source project......great job everyone.....  |
Site Admin/Owner

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Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:53 pm |
Great article and it comes at a very critical juncture in our development cycle/goals. I probably ask myself about the "success" of RavenNuke(tm) at least a couple of times a month. We have no real way to gauge usage. I really would like to know just how many sites are using RavenNuke(tm). Downloads are not a measure of success. But it is an indicator of interest. I do know that the RN community is a very loyal and opinionated group and I like that. The RavenNuke(tm) Team (and I've said this publicly many times) is the best group of men and women that I have ever worked with - period. We have no full time members but you notice that we do have full time coverage in the forums and I can tell you that several seem like they are on all or most of the day. This is no small feat! You will hardly ever see a question go unanswered in the forums. We do put a priority on support.
I do believe with the addition of Raven Nuke Merchant(tm), an integrated eCommerce RavenNuke(tm) distribution, "success" may be easier to demonstrate. This integration will be original and unrelated to other eCommerce solutions/applications.
Getting back on track, it would help to have more response to this thread. We really want your opinion. How do you really see RavenNuke(tm) using the matrix in the article that kguske references? |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
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Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:29 am |
I know of projects witch died within 3 years because there was at the end only 1 developer and I know an other open source product wich was very succesfull and was translated into many other languages but at the end the security was the bottom line to shut down the site of the original developer in france.
This will not happen with RavenNuke because the quality of the product is really at a high level and I know that security is one of the most important factors for the RN developers.
Therefore I know without doubt wich software I will use for my next commercial website.
I noticed also within the last months there are more and more user from Germany and other countries and thats also a good sign for an international acceptance and trust in this product. |

Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:23 pm |
More languages certainly help that, too, Susann. Thanks for your help on that! |

Joined: Sep 15, 2008
Posts: 352
Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:56 am |
yes yes and yes.. Great support, Great team, Great community. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:14 am |
I have been involved with computers, data processing and system since the 1970's and have worked with literally hundreds if not thousands of technicians, programmers, data processing managers, web developers and the like. And after all that I can count on one hand and a few fingers left the number of individuals who have the combination of technical, interpersonal, and management skills that Raven does, not to mention a total dedication to our common project ... Ravennuke.
In turn he has stimulated and inspired a great team of people to work with him and led to the success of both this site and the accompanying flagship product, Ravennuke.
That being said, I have often wondered whether it might be possible to come by some venture capital funding to allow us to hire a small team of full-time and fully-skilled PHP programmers to speed up the developments that we all agree are desirable. Virtually everyone on the RNteam is trying to squeeze their work on the project into already full schedules and sometimes the development lags time-wise (though not quality-wise) because of that. I don't propose this as a panacea and I realize that we'd need to be concerned about maintaining independence and control but I just throw the idea out for discussion since the article that kicked off this thread does mention having a full time core staff as one key factor in open source success. |

Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:32 am |
I agree but I think the word Nuke after Raven has been highly publicized to be insecure so in order to get backing we have to continue to prove that Raven Nuke is secure and not like Nuke at all. Just thought I'd throw that out there. |

Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:01 am |

Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:24 pm |
Its already too late to change the name in my opinion.
Also I believe we should discuss this not in public. |

Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:15 pm |
Quote: | Would RavenNuke(tm) survive the name change to PHP-OpenPortal? Is it finally strong enough? |
RavenNuke(tm) is so much better to use than any patched phpnuke product. The team of developers and moderators here are in a class by themselves (in a good way ) The standards are high and the product is exceptional. The name Nuke is nothing but an albatross around the neck of a great CMS that stands in the shadows of nothing. Separation from the negative stigma of PHPNuke would probably be a wise move in the future. Just my opinion. |

Joined: Nov 06, 2005
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Location: Los Angeles, USA
Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:38 pm |
Having used Joomla, e107 and a few other open source cms there is just no comparison in the quality of individuals in the RN team. Support is just ridiculously good here, no question goes unanswered! that just never happens and if you are not able to accomplish a task, some one from the team is available to help. You will just not find this type of support anywhere, even with payed communities. No one knows what the future will bring, but I'm very excited to see what the future brings from RavenNuke, no matter the name  |
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Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:21 am |
Susann: I wouldn't say it's too late....
I like the name PHP-OpenPortal(TM) it sounds corporate, sophisticated "Try Me" |

Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:43 pm |
Just a general, but very important, comment.
On behalf of the RavenNuke(tm) Team, thanks to all for the kudos and very generous votes of confidence and support

Joined: Dec 01, 2005
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Location: Santiago, Dominican Republic
Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:44 pm |
urra urra  |
_________________ "For those whom have not reach the sky... Every mountain seems high"
Best Regards
Jonathan Estrella |

Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:20 pm |
Susann wrote: | Its already too late to change the name in my opinion.
Also I believe we should discuss this not in public. |
Susann has a good point concerning the venue for a name change discussion. This should be an offline discussion. I will add that the question/subject is all but closed. There will not be any name changing, at least not in the near future, if ever. |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:08 am |
Having been on the inside of RavenNuke(tm) from its early beginnings, I see almost all of those 9 points being a resounding "yes". Of course, the main stickler is the full time programming resources. Unfortunately, that does make for much fewer releases and reduces the scope of each release. Makes it difficult to "compete" with commercial projects with dedicated focused resources.
The other thing that I would encourage the RN team to continue forward with is the documentation Wiki. There is quite a bit more that could be done to really give RN that extra "punch" in the documentation arena. I think it is excellent as far as covering installation (but the eventual RavenInstaller will make that 10x better even), but newbies really don't have much by way of "How To's".
But again, to reiterate what several others have said, this is one of the best groups of individuals that I have ever worked with. It was hard on me to have to walk away from the development side of things (just life getting in the way of hobby). This Team just continues to evolve over time and it is good to see the new players coming in with fresh ideas. Keep up the good work RavenNuke(tm) Team!!!
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