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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 3:40 pm Reply with quote

We'll get to it...

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:53 pm Reply with quote

I have a suggestion. Since you guys hide the admin menu in the nuke acp when using the admin side of CNB YA, you should make sure you include a link back to the nuke admin for easy navigation.

I know if you click on the "Waiting Users" link there is no link back to the nuke acp.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:04 pm Reply with quote

Its in there now Main Administration .

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 12:53 am Reply with quote

Ignore my former statement, it seems this was already done and I am just blind. Sorry to waste your time. Embarassed
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:23 pm Reply with quote

Okay here goes.

I just started using this solution after switching from 7.4 to 7.6 Platunim, so bear with me if any of this has already been said elsewhere.

With my old 7.4 setup, I managed to completely eliminate the use of phpbb forum profile functions in favor of only using my modified Your_Account module. I would love the same ability with CNB. This means in an ideal world that EVERYTHING in profile would be available through CNB (versus actually having CNB use profile functions for avatars for example). In the ideal world CNB would replace phpbb profile in EVERY regard. This means things like defining smilies and html in forum posts would be done in CNB also.

Next, I would love the ability to edit the registration form to define all Required versus Optional fields and values. (Think of the way it is done in CPG-Nuke!...especially the latest version, Dragonfly. No profile at all, only YA.)

Next, I would love the ability through administration to define whether or not each field is modifiable. For example, I want to require a real name and email address during registration and I don't want users to have the ability to change that data once setup. Presently, I can do this to a certain extent through some mods; however, it is also necessary to edit profile template functions to turn these things off. At present, I need to do a lot of modding to move all profile functions over to CNB. For example, I can disable the ability to change email addresses in CNB; however, profile still allows it, thus, what good is it if profile still exists? Here again is a demonstrated reason why I'd love all edit related functions in profile moved to CNB and again, how it is done in CPG-Nuke.

Next, I would love the ability to scan existing email addresses for properties of the banned domains. Meaning, if I ban a domain by adding it to the blocked domains section, I would love the ability to scan existing users to see if any of them are in any of those blocked domains.

Finally, I'd love to see Raven's Resend Email functions incorporated directly into CNB as a menu. Smile

That's all for now, I'm off to edit CNB to make it do what I need it to do. Smile

Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. 
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:54 pm Reply with quote

Thanks Steph. As always good feedbacks rare and very welcome.
Pay close attention to the ui- include files that is one of the great hidden features but its lacking an ordering mod right now. Adding new blocks is as easy as plopping it into file and adding a ui- prefix to the filename. In fact most nuke blocks would work by adding echo("$content"); to the end of the file. Though the html might need to be tweaked a little if its a set width not too many are.

The resend works well for new registrations so I think expanding it to the active users shouldn't be any trouble at all. Yes providing one user info page is the long term goal. And you may be right about existing totally outside of the forums because there are a lot of people who don't want or need the forums.

There are those who would like to continue to expand the interaction with the forums but I don't see that as a good idea. In fact I think we should move all the forum details from the userinfo.php to a ui- include file so that removing it is as easy as deleting the file. But we need an ordering mod for it too and much else is under way.

The best thing for the module is for more advanced users to get interested enough to get involved make and share addons ect...
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:54 pm Reply with quote

I would like to see the ability to have multiple phpNuke portals using one set of php code.

each site would have their own config.php and their own db tables (optionally, they could share the user tables if the users would be common among the portals)

This would allow you to drop in a module or upgrade the portal ONCE and all sites would have the new functionality available. You would (I guess) need to administer each site seperately unless we had a common administration tool that could manage multiple sites simultaniously but lets not get carried away Razz

I have pondered about achieving this type of thing by just using symbolic links to the module, admin, language, blocks directories etc for each site (you would have one base area and all the sites would link to it) but have not actually tried it.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:21 pm Reply with quote

dingfelder... Your request is anything but feasible and certainly beyond realistic.

If you only have 1 set of code, there would be no way for that code to identify which domain it would be intended for. Then you would have issues with things like files talking to a remote databases? What if one goes down? What if 1 admin makes a change? Using configs that have no on-site relations via remotely hosting cookies, cross-domain transfers and files calling remote databases to contend with?

You'll never see the kind of solution you've described as it would be almost impossible and certainly not advisable to attempt any such configuration.

It's possible to have multiple domains on a single server share database tables; however, it will never be possible for multiple remote domain to share one set of code. The cross-site communications and security issues alone would be the major stumbling block, nevermind the impact should there be a single change.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:34 pm Reply with quote

whoa there... (quick reply but you missed something... maybe I was not clear)

I in no way meant that the seperate sites would be on different servers, and never mentioned remote domains or anything like that type of configuration.

I invision a directory structure like this:


in this case both:


are symbolic links (in unix) that point to


Then if you changed a file in the mainPHPnukeInstall area, the code is immediately seen in all the sites.

My thought certainly may not be feasable but I dont think it is as inasane as you are making it out to be. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:44 am Reply with quote

Hi Dingfelder,
I see what you mean..
You would like to share the core files and modules with different sites on 1 server.
Great idea to ponder on, but actually it it not a CNB Your Account related question.
It is better to move this discussion to the general phpnuke forum here at ravenphpscripts.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:23 pm Reply with quote

oops, sorry about cross postying, I got to this thread by searching and didn't notice the area was wrong.

Looking more carefully now I cant actually see a "general" phpnuke forum. I see phpnuke forums for each seperate version and areas for security etc, but no general one. can you give me a link to the general area?



PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:59 pm Reply with quote

PostNuke is designed more along the lines of doing what your talking about but thats getting even farther off topic. OffTopic

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:16 am Reply with quote

any more feature requests?

Behind the scenes we are working very hard on our next release,
which will be CNBYA 5.0.0.

So any feature request (big or small) would be very welcome.

Mainly I look forward to requests for improvements in the admin area,
i mean changes that will make working with cnbya easier on the admin side.

Overwhelm me please... Smile

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:52 pm Reply with quote

As a developer, when I show phpNuke portals to potential clients, one thing that seems to annoys most people is the way content is displayed in nuke.

For example, most site owners that I have spoken to want to be able to create articles and have list of of those articles off the main index.

With the current nuke setup, you have to select the "content" module from the side menu, which gives you an ugly list of main categories.

You then have to select the category which you want (assuming you know it) and this shows you a module with a list of articles.

IMHO, a better solution would be to have either

1. A side block that lists dynamic categories, clicking a category opens up into a list of sub categories and/or articles. clicking an article then displays it within the module.


2. (similar to #1) this dynamic menu would be within the side nav instead of a seperate content nav block

I have thought about developing such a solution but am not sure if anyone is already doing so or if there is a bettter approach. Basically, I dont want to reinvent the wheel.

An example of typical content most owners would want could be a content structure like this:

About Us
-- History
-- Contact Us
-- Press Releases

In this case, "About Us" is a category and the 3 sub-items are html articles

Basically, I think that having a better system for getting to content (that looks more like this) would go a long way toward making phpNuke more attractive and considered a more professional/mainstream alternative.



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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:46 pm Reply with quote

For my two pennies worth. I only set CNB up today, with the kind help of sixonetonoffun, thanks again. The main reason was to disable themes easily so I could work on them. Now I've got a really great Your Account module.
One thing I would ask for is the themes to be deactivated for all users except Admin and globally set to default. This way Admins can work on themes without to much hassle of bodging up peoples access to the site.

Cheers all

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:06 pm Reply with quote

Love the mod, I just have three questions/feature requests.

First, can you provide an area to edit the TOS agreement that you outline in the registration?

Second, does it force members that have already registered to have to agree in order to log in again (you would have to force members who have a cookie but haven't agreed to log in even though they have a valid cookie)

Third, if you edit the agreement later on, can you force the members to have to re-agree to continue?

I gave it some thought a while back and this is what I gave Mesum over at Chicagabase.com:

Here's an idea on how to implement the sugguestions that i made above.

Make two tables, first a table to keep track of the last date a user agreed (keep it separate from the nuke_user table to make future updates of nuke easier for people who have this mod, and a second table that contains the agreement text and the date created:


| user_id | date_agreed |


| id | date_created | tos |

this could be checked at login by inserting a function call in the login process that opens a popup or goes to a page where they can re-agree to the new agreement. this way, all your revisions of the agreement are in the database (a good idea for the really rare lawsuit that may befall a webmaster regarding the TOS) and the code would only ask the user to agree to the most recent revision. When the new agreement is reactivated or activated for the first time, it writes the date that they agreed on in the cookie and the database file. This way it can check the user's cookie date then database date when they visit to see if the latest revision has a newer date than the database date or cookie date.

I know somebody is saying, "But dvsDave! what happens when the user logs in from another computer?!"

What would have to happen is that the above check is done at login and will write the new cookie with the database date (asuming that the date is newer than the latest revision). If the latest revision is newer than the date in the database, it would force the user to re-agree to the TOS before writing the date in the database and the cookie.

I know that this a a huge request, but I think it would be incredibly worth it. My site can't offer information on stage pyrotechnic's until such a measure is in place. It is especially important that people cannot bypass this by having a cookie.

That is how I see that happening. It's not a large amount of overhead and is pretty slick in how it handles cookies prior to it's installation or logins from another computer.

Any comments, other suggestions?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:09 pm Reply with quote

menelaos61 has worked on most of this already. There is still a little cleanup to do and we'd still like to add the option for unlimited languages but it doesn't look like we'll get to that before the next versions beta release (unless everything else goes real quick which it hasn't exactly).

But I think that for the most part we've met most of your criteria with the exception of using a cookie. Its hard coded and works slick IMO.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:13 am Reply with quote

Is there a way that I can put in the Your_Account user info page.
The users personal user gallery from that user? (coppermine gallery)
I use PHPNuke 7.5 with CNB 4.4.0
I am looking over the web already for a long time.
Cant find it on any forum or what so ever.. Razz

And I got the gengermod and the guestbook mod in CNB.
Why dont you guys put it in as a standard.

Also what could be fun.
Put a big list of feelds to be displayed and from the admin panel with someting like a radio button or someting
To enable that info feeld or not, in the user profiele.
And is there a manual where to edit what to get what you want?
Becouse the avatars is also not displaying in my user info (Your_account) page.
and maybe I even want 1 defaulth picture in it. could also be fun.

And still.. even if this is comming all in the new version or someting, Can someone help me set this up on the version that I have now?
The foto gallery I mean. Thanks a million in advance.. Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:43 am Reply with quote

In one of the threads in this forum I put a post for a coppermine last X block. You can use it or use it as the basis for you designing what you want.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:36 am Reply with quote

this module has a config ...how many days to expire...could this be transformed into a pay system?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:47 am Reply with quote

There are 3 ways now that I know of but yes you could create your own with very little trouble.

NSN-PayPal block with NSN-Groups
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:16 pm Reply with quote

A feature that I would like to see added would be the users last visit date displayed in the active user list (in admin panel). I am one of those that prefers removing accounts that never access my site again after joining.

It is time consuming to go view their nuke profiles one at a time to determine when they last visited before going to the YA edit users area to suspend or deactivate them.


Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. ~Poe

Last edited by CurtisH on Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:41 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:38 pm Reply with quote

You could turn on auto suspend it does the same thing basically.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 5:06 pm Reply with quote

sixonetonoffun wrote:
You could turn on auto suspend it does the same thing basically.

True, but I sometimes have members who are unable to visit for a while but cannot be considered dead wood.

Here is how it is done:

Add member last visit date to Active Users list in CNBYA admin panel:

Open modules/Your_Account/admin/listnormal.php


echo "<td align='center'><b>"._REGDATE."</b></td>\n";


echo "<td align='center'><b>"._YA_LASTVISIT."</b></td>\n";


echo "<td align='center'>".$chnginfo['user_regdate']."</td>\n";


echo "<td align='center'>".date("D M d, Y g:i a", $chnginfo[user_lastvisit])."</td>\n";

That seems to do the trick. Smile As I am on the CNB Team you are certainly welcome to incorporate that in the next version if you deem it worthy.

By the way...it seems that the topic reply notification on this site is no longer working.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:28 pm Reply with quote

Fields that only admins can change.I am in a clan and we have ranks so the field rank can only be changed by admins etcc. Thanks
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