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Joined: Dec 27, 2005
Posts: 296

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:18 pm Reply with quote

I don't suppose anyone has the direct SQL command prompt things for the CNBYA 440 on hand?
The cnbya.php installer doesn't work with my database and need to upload it to phpmyadmin manually. I see the code in the php file, but don't know what part to keep or delete in order to upload it to my database correctly. I was hoping someone had the plain SQL file on hand. The main brazilian support site seems to be down at the moment...
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Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

Posts: 5661

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:53 am Reply with quote

Here we go.... Smile

CREATE TABLE `nuke_cnbya_config` (
`config_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`config_value` longtext,
UNIQUE KEY `config_name` (`config_name`)

INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('sendaddmail', '1');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('senddeletemail', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('allowuserdelete', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('allowusertheme', '1');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('allowuserreg', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('allowmailchange', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('emailvalidate', '1');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('requireadmin', '1');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('servermail', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('useactivate', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('usegfxcheck', '3');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('autosuspend', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('perpage', '50');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('expiring', '86400');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('nick_min', '5');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('nick_max', '10');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('pass_min', '5');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('pass_max', '10');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('bad_mail', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('bad_nick', 'adm\r\nadmin\r\nanonimo\r\nanonymous\r\nan�nimo\r\ngod\r\nlinux\r\nnobody\r\noperator\r\nroot\r\nstaff\r\nwebmaster');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('coppa', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('tos', '1');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('tosall', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('cookiecheck', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('cookiecleaner', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('cookietimelife', '2592000');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('cookiepath', '');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('cookieinactivity', '-');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('autosuspendmain', '0');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('codesize', '8');
INSERT INTO `nuke_cnbya_config` VALUES ('version', '4.4.0 b2');

CREATE TABLE `nuke_cnbya_field` (
`fid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'field',
`value` varchar(255) default NULL,
`size` int(3) default NULL,
`need` int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
`pos` int(3) default NULL,
`public` int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY (`fid`),
KEY `fid` (`fid`)

CREATE TABLE `nuke_cnbya_value` (
`vid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`uid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`fid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`value` varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`vid`),
KEY `vid` (`vid`)

CREATE TABLE `nuke_cnbya_value_temp` (
`vid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`uid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`fid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`value` varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`vid`),
KEY `vid` (`vid`)

But thats not all,also you have to alter a view,so it looks a bit like this...

ALTER TABLE ".$user_prefix."_users ADD agreedtos TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;

ALTER TABLE ".$user_prefix."_users_temp ADD realname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL AFTER username;

Naturaly the bad email field is emtied....lol..and its mostly standard config.... ( i hope)
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:23 am Reply with quote

Awesome! Thank you!

I wasn't to clear on the alter table command, so I took out the $user_prefix and replaced it with my database name, was that correct?
Also, when I go into the CNBYA control panel it now says this:
Run cnbya.php from the root of your phpnuke installation, update the database tables, and delete the file afterwards!
The version of the module is 4.4.0 and the version of your data base table is 4.4.0 b2

I'm assuming I added too much or too little?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:34 am Reply with quote

well i dont know whitch version you use but it should be 750_440_beta2
and the ".$user_prefix."_users would be..nuke_users

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:08 pm Reply with quote

Ok, I was running just the plain 750_440 version. I uploaded the beta2 and am not getting that error message anymore.
Thanks again!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:17 am Reply with quote

ok good luck.. Smile
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