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Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:13 am |
Hello all,
I've been trying to set up a new website for about a week now. I originally started using PHP-Nuke 7.8, but have since read quite a few things about the security issues with doing so. I had been able to get that version running fine though.
I d/l'd the Raven distro last night and attempted to follow the Quickstart procedures. All html files have been FTP'd the my host,, but when I attempt to access the installSQL.php file to build the database, I receive a error 500: Script Execution Failure. This is the same error I receive when I attempt to access the main index.php.
I've tried uploading the files again, checking permissions (all 755), and have searched the forum for something similar, to no avail. I was hopeing that someone here might be able to provide some sort of answer.
Can I just build the database with the phpNuke 7.6 SQL file? Or, is the Raven SQL database different?
Greatly appreciate any help that anyone may provide... |
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Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:27 am |
To take the second question first, you need to use the InstallSQL.PHP file and not the 7.6 SQL one. There are many customizations and additions in the InstallSQL file that you need.
To the first, I just googled "error 500: Script Execution Failure". I'd recommend that approach to you. You need to check that your files got FTP'd correctly and you might want to see if you can run ANY script ... like write a <?PHP echo "Hello World"; ?> type of script and see if it runs after you upload it. |
Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

Posts: 5661
Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:30 pm |
to give even more help...i put together a top 3.
reasons could be :
File Upload Mode
When you upload Perl, CGI scripts via FTP you should use always ASCII mode.
If you get "Error 500: Script Execution Failure" you should check whether your FTP client uses ASCII mode when uploading your scripts, because if it uses BINARY mode to upload your scripts they won't work on the server.
The problem caused by wrong upload mode is associated with the way different operating systems handle the "end of line" character. Unix system uses a "line-feed" (LF), Windows uses a "carriage-return" (CR) and "line-feed" (LF) pair.
That's why it is very important that you set the uploading mode to ASCII.
File Permissions
When you upload scripts via FTP the file permissions are set by default to 755.
If you get "Error 500: Script Execution Failure" you should check whether your scripts have 755 permissions.
Otherwise your scripts have lower level of permissions and does not support execution upon request.
The octal representation of the 755 permission is equal to the following textual format: -rwxr-xr-x
Most FTP clients support the CHMOD command which is used for setting file permissions.
In case you have set improper permissions to your scripts, use your FTP client and set "Read, Write, Execute" permissions for the owner, "Read, Execute" permissions for the group and everyone else.
Script Errors
This is the third well known reason for getting "Error 500: Script Execution Failure" upon execution of your scripts.
Check your scripts for any obvious syntax or programming errors to make sure your code is not broken.

Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:54 pm |
I apprecaite the quick response from both of you...
I've been using SmartFTP to install upload the files, I originally used the "Auto" upload format, but I went back and re-up'd the entire installation using ASCII format. I then made sure that the ENTIRE installation was 755, with the exception of the three files required to be 777.
I still get the same Error 500. As far as making sure the scripts are not broken, I am VERY new. This is all gibberish to me, but the scripts seem to be written in a clear format. I don't see anything that stands out as being bad.
This is frustrating considering RavenNuke is touted as one of the easiest, and most secure, phpNuke installations. I was able to have phpNuke up and running in one evening.  |
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Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:48 pm |
I am guessing your host does not allow the use of the .htaccess file. Try removing that and try again. We should eliminate that first.
500 errors are always a server configuration issue, meaning that it is either not configured correctly or something is not allowed by your host. |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:03 pm |
montego wrote: | I am guessing your host does not allow the use of the .htaccess file. Try removing that and try again. We should eliminate that first. |
That was it... As soon as I deleted it and went to ../index.php, the site came up with the "Problem with my SQL server" message...
Now, what do I need to do to get RavenNuke to work properly? Can I run without the .htaccess file? |

Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:29 pm |
I would check with your host to see if they would be willing to allow you to use this. It is silly to not allow this. It is host laziness or not knowledgable on how to "control".
You can run RavenNuke76 without .htaccess, but you lose the ability to protect your admin login page, but ALL the other blockers will work just fine running strictly from the database. However, one thing you could do is rename your admin.php file to something completely non-guessable and then update your config.php script accordingly with the new name. At least that will give you some "protection"... |

Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:11 am |
Thanks for all the help, montego. Looks like I may be able to get the site up and running soon...
Now the only concern I've seen... When running the installSQL scripts, Steps 2 and 3 return 0 instructions processed. I see in the HowToInstall example that they should return 15 and 392 instructions respectively. Should I be concerned that these steps aren't happening, or does this have to do with the lack of an .htaccess file? |

Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:00 am |
That is definitely not right. Here is what I suggest you do: remove your RavenNuke database and re-create it and then follow the installation steps again. Take note of the number of instructions executed in Step 1. I have a feeling some of them did not complete. |

Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:12 pm |
I tried doing that before, but on your suggestion I did it again.
The first step seems to run as advertised. That script completes with 426 instructions processed, just as the HowToInstall example shows. Run step 2, 0 steps processed. |

Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:41 am |
If you still have the database with only the 426 processed instructions, please dump the structure and data out into a file using phpMyAdmin and send it to me at montego _{AT}_ montegoscripts DOT com.
Something defnitely doesn't seem right there. |

Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:28 am |
Thanks "V" for sending me the files. I have verified that the sql you exported matches up with the core SQL for RN76! And, I have also verified from your files that Step 2 is not executing.
Try something for me. Using phpMyAdmin, execute the instructions manually that are in file INSTALLATION\sql\rn76_nsngroups.sql and see if you get any errors. (You can either import the file or copy and paste the instructions into phpMyAdmin's SQL feature).
Thanks! |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 28, 2003
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Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:44 am |
I have a feeling the host is query capping - yuck! |

Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:59 am |
Just wanted to let everyone know... The site is finally up and running!
When Montego asked to see the rn76_nsngroups.sql file, I found that both it and the sentinel.sql file had not been uploaded to the host. I think it had to do with my host not allowing the compressed ip2county files to be uploaded. It must have cancelled the transfer of that directory when it hit those files.
I really do appreciate all the help that you have all provided. The community for this software is the reason that I've stuck it out to get this website up and running. I look forward to messing around with the website more here in the near future...
Thanks again for all your help!

Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:23 am |
No problem, thanks for letting us know your problem as been fixed. |

Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:30 pm |
vcotham, was glad to help and doubly glad that things are working great now. |