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Site Admin/Owner

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:09 am Reply with quote

Just a reminder that I was short last month by over $100 and still have needs for this month. I appreciate every dollar that comes in to help keep this site afloat Smile

Please, if you find this site helpful, show your appreciation by donating a few kaching!$

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Location: FL

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:22 pm Reply with quote

Ok, folks, I'm wandering over to give my egg money to Raven. Who's next?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:06 am Reply with quote

C'mon guys, I know there are enough people here to help Raven meet his months goal. He's got 3 days left in this month--srping for a couple of bucks eh?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:51 pm Reply with quote

Thank you all who have donated this month! I'm still about $100 short of the need. I was short by over $100 last month too. For those who regularly visit and use the information and forums who don't ever contribute, please consider giving this month. It helps to offset my expenses and is a great incentive to continue to give scripts for free, as well as keeping up this site. Wink

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:22 pm Reply with quote

Think there are 10 people here with 10 bucks tonight?
Wish I had more Raven, I would send it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:50 am Reply with quote

Folks, I know that Christmas is soon upon us and I appreciate all who can give. The last 2 months I have been several hundred dollars short of the needs and this month looks to be even worse. If you find value in this site, please support it if you can. Anything you can spare would surely help. Thanks!
Hangin' Around

Joined: Mar 19, 2004
Posts: 36

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 10:03 am Reply with quote

Come on guys and gals. Look around for that spare change that slipped into the couch. There is no reason Raven should have to bear the entire load of helping all us. He allready donates time and energy do we have to keep draining his wallet to, it cost money to keep sites like this running, don't make Raven pay for it all!

Sorry I can't give more, more often Raven. I wish you luck and I fully support you in going to paid scripts or site if that is what it takes.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:53 am Reply with quote

Thanks to all who have given this Christmas month! The last 2 months I have been several hundred dollars short of the needs and this month looks to be in the red again Sad . If you find value in this site, please support it if you can. ($1, $5, $10) Anything you can spare would surely help to defray costs. I only ask for a portion of my costs. I'm not asking the community to pay it all. Thanks!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:31 pm Reply with quote

As always, thanks to all who support this site! It helps to defray my costs, not pay for them. The last 3 months have been well below the partial needs which I request. Please consider helping in any way you can. Remember that these large sites do cost money to maintain. I do not ask for the full amount, only a portion. Thanks!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:15 am Reply with quote

As always, thanks to all who support this site! It helps to defray my costs, not pay for them. In addition to this site, I also provide free hosting to certain people based upon needs and circumstances. I provide much free personal support both in the forums and privately. The last 3 months have been well below the partial needs which I request. Please consider helping in any way you can. Thanks!
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Mar 15, 2004
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Location: West Branch, MI

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:22 am Reply with quote

Raven please PM me with a mailing address and I'll help out via money order

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. ~Poe 
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Site Admin

Joined: Feb 06, 2006
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Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:00 am Reply with quote

I thought I would bump this, especially since RN 2.10 has been released.

There have been over 200 downloads of this latest version, but only 4 donations since it was released.

Please donate to help support the RavenNuke project. Very Happy
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Joined: Dec 19, 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:20 am Reply with quote

Really the behavior of some guys is a big shame !
To donate 5 or 10 Euro/Dollar isnĀ“t to much for such a great product.
Of course RavenNuke and support is free but possible Raven should think about to change this in the future.
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Hangin' Around

Joined: Apr 24, 2004
Posts: 48
Location: Austria

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:31 pm Reply with quote

Have you a moneybookers.com account too?
For me is this the simplest way to donate for this wonderfull project! Smile

Coldy aka Coldcut Cool
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Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jun 06, 2005
Posts: 732

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:21 pm Reply with quote

Awesome job on RN2.10 guys. If people aren't willing to "pay" for this they don't deserve it.

Since I am (how do I phrase this? thrifty?), I am VERY reluctant to pay-first-try-later, so I appreciate the free scripts you offer.... but, if most of the people who download your scripts never donate you should start charging for downloads. The quality of the scripting you all do, and the support offered via these forums is top notch. Rarely (if ever) does anyone wait for an answer (usually one that solves the problem) to a support question. I don't even go anywhere else for help anymore.

Thanks a 20 (this month).
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:56 pm Reply with quote


I've never heard of moneybookers.com. I will look into it.

Thanks to those who do support this work financially. Being on disability retirement for the last 2 years, we have really become dependent upon any/all income sources. It would be great if we could get better financial support but we've left that in the Lord's hands.

There are so many in the forums that go back several years. Ezekiel, Susann, Deseroka, Curtis, and so many more. It's been that kind of support and friendship that has help provide encouragement in many forms. For that I am truly thankful!

Enough of you have presented arguments to me in the past as far as paid support of some kind. While I was working it was really a non-issue. But, times have changed and I am exploring different support options. This doesn't mean that anything is imminent, but it is being considered. I haven't met my monthly needs in months, if not years, other than a few times. It's getting harder and harder.

I have even considered selling out. And, if I was only in this for the money, I might well have. But I still enjoy this too much and the friendships that have been cultivated since 2002 are such a blessing that I just can't do it.

Joined: Dec 24, 2004
Posts: 194
Location: Michigan

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:20 pm Reply with quote

TO Raven,
there is a 5 spot for ya that i sent ya. I know it isn't anywhere near what you ALL nearly deserve for what YOU ALL do, will do, and provide for US . I do truly appreciate all the help i receive from everyone here. You all are truly in a class of your own!

With great pride of being part of this website i would like to say to the team of the RN2.10 give yourself a well deserved pat on the back at minimum for what you have done as it is people like you that simply DO NOT exist anymore that can provide something so great that don't have some fee associated with it that it so easily could!!

This is one of the very reasons i live to fight fire, provide medical help/any emergency need that may arise ..I love to help in any way i can and i don't look for anything in return its the self satisfaction i receive that makes it all worth it. From a person technically dead and doing CPR and gaining a pulse back and then breathing back to seeing them walking to the mailbox afterwards is what its all about...getting on scene of vehicle accident and haveing to use "jaws of life" the hydraulic shears to cut a roof off and the hydraulic ram to lift a dash to remove someone that has very lil chance of surviving due to injuries and getting them to the hospital and then receiving that Thank You card from them.

Having said all that i can say i truly do appreciate everything that everybody does here, provides, gives, and offers !

Please have a green beer on me tonight and relax have fun and know that you are greatly appreciated by many.

Last but not least
if you are going to enjoy an adult green beverage please do it responsibly and Don't Drink and Drive we all NEED you here tomorrow Wink
RavensScripts Wave worship Cheers

HAPPY ST. Patricks day everyone from Michigan and the good ole USA.
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Joined: Oct 09, 2006
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Location: UK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:04 pm Reply with quote

I havent donated, it is not because i dont appreciate, nor enjoy the products that the team here prvide.... So i signed up for hosting instead Smile
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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:43 am Reply with quote

I live in a commercial world as well but I have to say I am on the other side of the coin. I believe in the advertising and donations model. It works for my site. I like you offer a lot of free services. Month in and month out I enjoy the support of my members and the community at large. I think projects like this can be supported through advertising and donations. IMHO I think the key is REAL advertising. Not 10 or 20 dollar advertising but 1000, 2000, 5000 dollar advertising from companies in the world that have something to say to your following. Lets talk about as an example.....racksource. To them 5000 is peanuts for a year of advertising. You have a large following of webmasters that spend real money in the real world. Advertisers pay for those eyeballs. Look at newsletters and your membership list. Think of who would pay to talk to those 10,000 plus people. The second thing I like about this model is I do not have to keep up with who paid and who didn't and when they paid and what the date is. I would rather keep up with 10 advertisers than 1000 people. First it is easier to please those 10 advertisers than those 1000 paid members because as soon as someone takes the 10 bucks out of there pocket.....you owe them something and demands for your time for the peanuts soon out strip your time limits. Through advertising you work on helping them get their message across and get to provide free help to your members as you see fit.

Just my .02
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:59 pm Reply with quote

In regard to donation etiquette... Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!

When or when not to donate:

Questions to ask to determine if, or when, you should donate:

1. Are you using the code to make money for yourself?
2. It's NOT producing an income yet?
3. It IS producing an income?

If you answered yes to questions 1 and 3, then a donation is in order. It doesn't have to be a big one if you aren't making a killing online, but if you're seeing a profit, then it's only fair that some of that profit should go to those who helped you to make it. See the donation amount guidelines below.

If you answered yes to questions 1 and 2, then maybe now isn't the time to make that donation. I don't think that there's a developer out there that is going to expect you to make a donation when you aren't even making money off their code. For now, it is OK to wait until you can answer yes to questions 1 and 3, and then at that point, donate accordingly. The donation is the same as the one stated in the last paragraph. It should be proportional to what you are making because of it, and it should be what you think the code is worth. See the donation amount guidelines below.

I agree that if anyone is making money while using a free script, he/she should donate - and shame on them if they don't. However, while I also feel that anyone using a free script should at least donate something, if I dontated what I think this (RN210 and all that comes with it) is worth to me -- I wouldn't be able to buy food anymore.


P.S. I'm not just sucking-up to Raven and gang.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:15 pm Reply with quote

I HEREBY CHALLANGE EVERY WEBMASTER THAT PRODUCES $1.00 form Raven 2.10 to match my $50.00 Donation on 5-2-07!!

Give IT UP!

Site Admin

Joined: Aug 29, 2004
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Location: Arizona

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:11 am Reply with quote

To add to Ezekiel's comment, we all make choices everyday that waste so much money. Think about the sodas you drink, the junk food you put in your mouth. Just one soda can less on ONE day would free up at least $1.00 for donate for a worthy FREE software cause. Just because its FREE doesn't mean there isn't a personal COST to the ones providing that FREE software. Many a good site has closed in the last 12 months due to costs not being off-set.

Also, it is not just monetary COST that I am referring to. People devote their time and energy, sometimes at the sacrifice of their own personal pursuits, to do what they do. Shouldn't that be recognized somehow? How do most people want to be rewarded? We get some of the praise here, which is good and one piece of it, but it would also be nice if folks showed their appreciation more with just even small donations. Every little bit helps to defray costs of the servers, etc, and to give some motivation to those who really do this for nothing.

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The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Feb 21, 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:07 am Reply with quote

I agree completly.

One of the sad parts of it is that people who provide support also lay out donations, and thats ok, but I really think that people that require the support should also be willing to put something towards it.

There are countless people that have gotten Hours of work from people who provide support, and thats hours that they can see. But there are even more hours that they cannot. Me personally, I have to find the finances to donate towards this site, which ussually means I have to wait to make sure that my responsibilities are in order first. So we as a community should make it very aware to the public.

So heres what I believe went into RavenNuke(some believes and others are what I remember) a day:

First. at least 2 to 3 hours a day, looking for the errors, testing functionality.
(can you imagine going through your ENTIRE site every day at least twice a day?)

Second, hours of debugging and locating problem code, In standard nuke there is
2,956 files, and 181 folders(Nuke 8.0). In Ravennuke (the latest I have) their is 12,381 files and 2,971 folders.

Can you imagine how long it took to integrate all that AND debug it?

We here have always shared work, and ideas as well as code. And even if you have experience developing, There were countless hours, I mean combined, I personally feel that saying that the team worked more then 24 hours in a day easily. Your talking about people who put in hours in a day, some more then others.

Combined, they have created the most secure Nuke as well as Supporting their work, Did you know that FB charges for his lates release? what we get is ussually what people have had and paid for previously.

There are functions that have NEVER worked right in nuke, and the team made them functional and something FB has no real clue about, they made it secure.

All of us have suffered with Hacked sites and exploitable scripts that people come on and make our hard work into their own with.

I have a Challenge to all who seek support, If you Truly feel that RavenNuke is worth using, then why not help the situation, Countless hours are still being put into it, to add features, and continue to make it more universal and easier to install.

People, This work is NOT easy, Nor is it p[ossible without support.

All of the members of the RavenNuke team have really put there time and sweat into this project.

If not for the support that you recieve(freely) from the members of this site, then do it for the products Offered Freely.

I know I personally have put hours upon hours of work into people's site that were not my own, fixing issues, restoring sites that were hacked, providing advice to those who have recieved hosting from hosts who are not suited to be hosting products such as nuke.

For experienced webmasters this site has become a resource for knowledge on repairing their site. For people just starting their website, this site has become a resource of knowledge on what is a good choice and how to start a site.

PHP-Nuke is not the only cms out there, but this site has become one of its biggest backbone. This site, helps Nuke continue to realize its potential, ok I've gone on enough.

People, donations are not required, but they most certainly are needed. Please help as much as you can. Not only does Raven need it, but so do its members, without the donations, I cant see how Raven can continue this site.

So Donate, we should be able to Give MORE then Raven and this site needs, I know we can do it.

For those who stand shall NEVER fall and those who fall shall RISE once more!! 
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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:36 pm Reply with quote

I try not to use this unless things really get tight. I thank each and every one who has contributed and continues to contribute. Unfortunately, for most of the past year the needed contributions haven't even run 50%.This not a "Doomsday" message but it is an alert and an appeal. I do not want nor wish to cutback services. However, donations are the main means of support to keep the servers, services, and support at the level they now are. If the donations cannot be maintained then either something(s) will need to be cut back or we may have to implement some kind of a pay as you go support/product scheme. Please, if at all possible, become a regular supporter Smile

With thanks!

80 supporters @ $5.00

40 supporters @ $10.00

20 supporters @ $5.00
20 supporters @ $15.00

60 supporters @ $5.00
10 supporters @ $10.00

8 supporters @ $25.00
10 supporters @ $10.00
20 supporters @ $5.00

2 supporters @ $50.00
4 supporters @ $25.00
10 supporters @ $10.00
20 supporters @ $5.00

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 5:50 am Reply with quote

Thank You for all you (and the RN team) do for the Nuke World!

Everyone that uses RN and makes $1 in donations and/or advertising on their site should pony up.

$50 inbound....

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