pcnuke writes: Topic: Can developers 3rd party developers legally sell addons created for use with the Php-Nuke portal system, without the permission of the Php-Nuke developer, according to law.
This article is published to gain legal information from individuals in the greater Nuke Community and for people in the community to become aware of what these rules in tale. There is currently to much confusion in the community as to what the rules are legally. The purpose of this article is not to create heated debates on the issue or any given point. If you have legal knowledge of any points below, please provide them in your comments. Also explain your points in an understandable manner, so all individuals know what you are saying. Don't just say, here read this article, it says it all. Tell the community where and why.
We are not talking about copyright laws here, or personal views on the issue, just the basic binding laws. Is every developer legally bound by the same law & rules by which the PHP-Nuke developer has chosen or not (GNU General Public License)? If so can 3rd party developers then say we do not use the GNU rules, the GNU rules do not apply to our addon, we use other rules? Read More... Note:
The US Presidential elections of 2008 are shaping up to be not only a battle between parties, but moreso a history making event of gigantuan proportions. We may well see not only a woman President, but a minority woman President. Please contribute to the voting in the survey to the upper right.
by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
Say a hurricane is about to destroy the city you live in. Two questions:
1. What would you do?
2. What would you do if you were black?
Sadly, the two questions don't have the same answer.
To the first: Most of us would take our families out of that city quickly to protect them from danger. Then, able-bodied men would return to help others in need, as wives and others cared for children, elderly, infirm and the like.
For better or worse, Hurricane Katrina has told us the answer to the second question. If you're black and a hurricane is about to destroy your city, then you'll probably wait for the government to save you.
This was not always the case. Prior to 40 years ago, such a pathetic performance by the black community in a time of crisis would have been inconceivable.
Read and discuss Moral poverty cost blacks in New Orleans.
I have sent this to the author(s) also and I hope that they will reply
After much careful and extensive reading of the GNU/GPL, I find that your separation of all the copyrights from the files is indeed a direct violation of the GPL. The simplest, most basic tenet is found in the How To. It reads "If you have copied code from other programs covered by the same license, copy their copyright notices too. Put all the copyright notices together, right near the top of each file.". Note the phrase "right near the top of each file". This clearly is not the case with your release. You have stripped all the copyrights from every file and replaced them with your own. Yes, you have aggregated them into other files but that causes them to NOT be obvious when looking at the source code.
In light of this, I must insist that all inclusion of any code copyrighted by myself and/or others associated with my offerings either be returned to its original state or be removed from your distributions. This includes, in its entirety, NukeSentine(tm). In addition, I cannot, in good conscience, post any news items in support of your products until you correct this situation.
I post this prominently and conspicuously because this issue has been repeatedly addressed and brought to your attention and has not yet been corrected. At such time that you correct it, I will remove this notice.
Please move all discussion on this topic to Open Letter To Imagination Nuke To Correct GPL Violations, a special forum for that purpose. Note that this is not for arguing or attacking, but for examination and discussion with the hope of a reasonable and diplomatic resolution.
Gaylen Fraley
8/14/2005 Note:
64bitguy writes: I wanted everyone to know that the latest theft of my code and solutions has really negatively affected my desire to continue helping and contributing in the Nuke Community.
If you are either a PHP-Nuke user or an author of any Nuke solution, whether that be a small script, a block or a module, I urge you to read the article that I have written about this latest case of Copyright Violations and theft of code at The Death of Syndicated News?.
Steph Benoit
Webmaster: http://64bit.us
Developer: PHP-Nuke Syndicated News Note: I (Raven) personally contacted the author (perfect-games) after I received this article. I have always found him to be an upstanding guy and was very surprised that he would do this. He has responded back and told me what happened and I asked him to post his explanation.